School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic school year
School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) At-a-Glance
Westfield High School
Region 5
Mr. Tony DiBari, Principal
Goal #1: Performance in Coursework
By June 2025, those students identified within Special Education, English Language, Black (not Hispanic) and Hispanic (Latino) students will have an overall SOL pass rate of 80% for math and science.
By June 2025, all students not meeting benchmarks in the math and reading inventory in the fall testing window will increase their level by one band by the spring testing window.
- MATH: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.
- MATH: Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.
- INSTRUCTION: Provide regular opportunities for students to reflect on their learning experiences, set goals for growth, and track their progress over time.
Goal #2: Progression To Advanced Coursework
By June 2025, the percentage of current 12 grade students succeeding in 1 or more AP/DE or other 1.0 weighted course or earning CTE finisher status by the end of high school (Course History) will rise to 89%.
- Increase use of Young Scholars wraparound supports in MTSS based on specific needs.
- Use Academic and Career Advisory Lessons (available in Schoology).
Goal #3: College Career Civic Readiness
By June 2025, the percentage of students who have completed: CTE finisher, DE, AP, Work-Based Learning Experience by the end of high school will rise to 90%.
- Designate and optimize a CCCRI team (can be combined with the graduation team) focused on analyzing, tracking, and monitoring student data relating to students' successful progress and completion of CCCRI and graduation requirements with high frequency.
- Educate students, families, staff and community around various pathways to graduation and completion and postsecondary options and importance of CCCRI experiences (for example, alternate diploma and completer options, alternate sites, available base-school adjustments, GED, etc.).
- Carefully review academic records and cumulative updates for newly-enrolled students to gain CCCRI experiences (i.e. academic advising for AP/IB/DE, HQWBL, CTE completer and credential, Service Learning).
Goal #4: Math Goal (School Choice)
By June 2025, the combined pass rate for students receiving special education services taking Math SOLs will increase from 54% to a 75% rate or higher.
- Increase development of literacy skills and habits of mind across disciplines.
- Monitor student data and use data to determine need for intervention and additional support.
- Increase instruction that focuses on student growth rather than meeting minimal proficiency standards.