College and Career Center

Helping students explore educational and career options, make realistic career decisions, and establish career goals.

The College and Career Center provides information to help students explore educational and career options, make realistic career decisions, and establish career goals. The college process begins and ends with the student's counselor, and the Career Center serves as a resource throughout the career and college planning process. Students and/or parents interested in meeting with the Career Center Specialist should also plan to include the school counselor. A wide variety of resources on colleges and other post-secondary options, careers, scholarships, financial aid, part-time and full-time employment opportunities, and SAT, ACT, and TOEFL registration are available in the career center.

The College and Career Center is located next to the cafeteria and lecture hall. Students can visit before and after school, during lunch, and during Bulldog Block with permission from their teacher. Parents are encouraged to contact the Career Center before visiting to be sure that someone is available to assist them. To make an appointment to discuss college or post-secondary planning, please contact the Career Center Specialist directly.

College and Career Center Specialist: Ms. Laura Cudahy        Email: @email      

Phone: 703-488-6527

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Periodically, the College and Career Center is closed for classes or meetings. Parents who wish to visit the Career Center may do so by scheduling an appointment by phone or email.

CEEB Code: The school CEEB code for Westfield HS is 470406

WHS College & Career Newsletter

This weekly newsletter will feature college & career-oriented information, programs and events, financial aid and scholarship information, as well as job, volunteer and enrichment opportunities! 

March 2025 Newsletters

March 7, 2025 - Westfield HS Annual Job Fair, Job Fair Prep Workshop, College Hacks Workshops, Many New Scholarships and Enrichment Programs

WHS College and Career News / March 7

In this issue: Westfield HS Annual Job Fair, Job Fair Prep Workshop, College Hacks Workshops, Many New Scholarships and Enrichment Programs

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

March 10 - Job Fair Prep Workshop, 10:30 am (FLEX) - Workshop to help you get ready for the job fair (resume and job fair tips) - Sign up here - more info below

March 10 - Finish Strong Application deadline

March 14 - Annual Westfield HS Job Fair - 11:20 am - 1:20 pm -  in the cafeteria during all lunches

March 15 - Fairfax County Teen Job Fair @ Chantilly HS - more information and registration link here

April 3 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing - 8:30 am - sign up here to take the ASVAB, the test used by the military as its entrance exam as well as for job placement. Students must be 16+

April 3 - NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshop - sign up here

News & Information


Gen Z Navigators - College Hacks Workshops - A Fairfax County School Board Initiative - March 8, 14 and 22 (details below) - the workshops will cover FAFSA Walkthrough: Do’s and Don’ts, Lesser-known Scholarship Programs, College Planning “Reality Check” Checklist, Alternative Pathways. Interested? Saturday, March 8, 5-7 pm - virtual; Friday, March 14, In-person, Madison HS, 4:30-6:30 pm; Saturday, March 22, In-person, Vienna Community Center, 9:30 am-12 noon. Fill out this form to register and receive additional information.

Job Fair Prep Workshop – Monday, March 10, 10:30-11:15 am, Career Center - Sign up here for this workshop and get ready for the Job Fair, which will be on Friday, March 14 in the cafeteria during all lunches! You will create a resume and get tips on how to make the most of a job fair. We will also cover the process for getting a work permit if you’re under 16.

Westfield High School Job Fair - Friday, March 14 in the cafeteria during all lunches - Meet with companies looking to hire you now! Participating companies: Fairfax County Park Authority, Atlantis Waterpar at Bull Run, Wegman’s, Fx Cty Fire and Rescue, Paradise Pool Service, Virginia Tire & Auto, NV Pools, Reston Association, Merrifield Garden Center, Fx Cty Public Safety/911, Crystal Aquatics, Texas Roadhouse.

College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions - College Access Fairfax will hold the following virtual Financial Aid presentations. Just click on the date link to join!

Paying for College for Underclass Students - Families of underclass students are encouraged to “get a jump” on learning about the financial aid process for post-secondary education.

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 7pm

Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 10am

Military Benefits for Students- the Lead Financial Educator and Military Benefits Liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association will be there! She’ll cover topics about residency requirements, using the GI Bill, the Yellow Ribbon Program and much more!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 7:30pm

Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 10am  

Repeat Information

Seniors - The Finish Strong deadline has been extended to Monday, March 10. You can pick up an application in any sub school and the Career Center (G110). The applications and other resources are also available in the Student Services Schoology Course / Finish Strong Folder. Check out the Resources in the Finish Strong Folder for a sample email and resume, tips for finding an internship, plus links to a variety of Business and Volunteer Opportunity Resources.

Exploring Your Future With the ASVAB – Discover Your Strengths, Chart Your Course! - Take the ASVAB during school at Westfield on Thursday, April 3.

The ASVAB, or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is the military entrance exam. But it’s also a well-respected aptitude assessment and career exploration tool. If students earn a high score, ASVAB results are a valuable addition to/piece of information for college applications. The test is also good practice for college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.

The ASVAB is made up of several different sections, each designed to measure different skills and knowledge. This helps create a well-rounded picture of a students’ abilities and aptitudes.

After completing the ASVAB and a career interest inventory, students will receive results ranking their work-related interest in six categories. These results will help determine career fields or occupations that are potentially satisfying.

Interested in taking the ASVAB? Follow these two easy steps:

  • Register for the April 3 ASVAB here – students must be 16+
  • Turn in Parent Permission Slip, which can be found in the ASVAB folder on Schoology or in the Career Center (G110)


 Enrichment Programs  – posted in Naviance

The Jane Street Academy of Math and Programming (AMP) Deadline: 3/12/2025 Event date: 6/30-8/1/2025

Scrapyard NoVA Event date: 3/15-3/16/2025

Painting with Seniors Volunteer Opportunity Event date: 3/18/2025

PWC Accounting Careers Leadership Institute Deadline: 4/11/2025 Event dates: 6/22-6/26/2025

Ukrainian Holodomor Awareness Student Competition Deadline: 4/11/2025

Virginia Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program Deadline: 4/15/2025 Event dates: 6/15-6/20/2025

dates: 7/13-7/19/2025

Youth Conservation Camp Deadline: 4/20/2025 Event: July 13-19 at Virginia Tech

Oliver Hill/Samuel Tucker Pre-Law Institute Deadline: 4/25/2025 Event dates: 7/6-7/11/2025

The E-Summer Program @ NOVA Deadline: 5/2/2025 Event dates: 7/7-8/15/2025

BioScience: AI & Life Science in Disease Research Event dates: 6/21-9/6/2025

Shirley Povich Center Sports Journalism Summer Camp Event dates: 7/7-7/11/2025

UMW Summer Enrichment Program Event dates: 7/13-7/19/2025

Mastro Films Summer Mastertracks Event dates: 7/14-7/25/2025

Teens Behind the Scenes Jr Director Internship Program - Moonlit Wings Productions - dates: Summer 2025

Volunteer Stream Monitoring in Fairfax County Event dates: Ongoing

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

New Scholarships 

The Quell Foundation Scholarships Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 3/14/2025

The Bobby Chapman Scholarship Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 3/14/2025

Apple Credit Union Scholarships Amount: $3,000 Deadline: 3/15/2025

Love Like Adam Scholarship Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 4/9/2025

Dunkin’ Baltimore/Metro DC Regional Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 4/15/2025

Catherine G Jurgemeyer Memorial Scholarship Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 5/31/2025

CARR Memorial Needs-Based Scholarship for Excellence in Civics and Overall Academics Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 5/31/2025

Commander Newell S Rand Jr Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

The Law Offices of Scott Henry Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

Herb Block Scholarship Amount: Up to $16,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

Digital Privacy Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/30/2025


Westfield-Only Scholarships

Sully Foundation Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 28, 3 pm

Sully Foundation will provide a $2,500 scholarship and a $1,500 scholarship to 2025 high school seniorsfrom Westfield.

  • Goal is to promote interest in and knowledge of Sully Historic site.
  • Applicant should have a good academic record, show a passion for learning and exploring, and submit a short essay about the Sully Historic site.

Unofficial transcript, application, original essay or video essay, and photo taken at Sully Historic Site. Application in Naviance.

Westfield-Only Scholarships Opening Next Week - The Herndon Closet Scholarships, American Systems FAST Scholarship, Erin Peterson Fund Scholarship

Regional Scholarships – Applications to Career Center or Sponsor (please follow instructions)

Future Teachers! Apply to the W. Harold Ford Scholarship – deadline Tuesday, March 19 at 3 pm to the Career Center or Ms. Cudahy’s email ([email protected]). To encourage the most academically qualified students to enter the teaching profession, the W. Harold Ford Scholarship Foundation is pleased to offer several $2,000 one-time scholarships. Applicants should plan to attend, on a full-time basis, a college or university which offers a teacher education program leading to certification and plan to teach after graduation. GPA of at least 2.7. Scholarship available at

Committee for Dulles / Dulles Airport Scholarship – application opens March 1; deadline March 31. Applicant must be an employee or volunteer of, or the dependent of an employe or volunteer of, a business or agency operating in the Washington Dulles Airport community (defined as inside the fence that surrounds the entire airport property). Minimum of eleven (11) college/trade school scholarships. Leadership and commitment to the community considered, essay, recommendation letter.

Emily and Fred Ruffing Scholarship – deadline Monday, May 5, 3 pm - Scholarship award of $2,000 per semester through college to an FCPS graduating high school senior with a disability who is pursuing a full-time higher education program beyond high school. Priority given to students from Justice and Annandale high schools, but students from any high school are encouraged to apply. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected].

Laura Ashley Piper Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 7, 3 pm. Scholarship award of $1,000 to an FCPS graduating high school senior who displays personal integrity, student leadership, and service to school and community; academic excellence; and athletic merit. Westfield will nominate one student. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected]

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.




March 21, 2025 - Junior Focus Day, Upcoming military events: Virtual Military Night, West Point Admissions Event, Military Benefits for Students, ASVAB Test; Many New Scholarships and Enrichment Programs!

WHS College and Career News / March 21

In this issue - Junior Focus Day, Upcoming military events: Virtual Military Night, West Point Admissions Event, Military Benefits for Students, ASVAB Test; Many New Scholarships and Enrichment Programs!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Saturday, March 22 - Military Benefits for Students - 10 am - virtual - hosted by College Access Fairfax, details below

April 2 - Paying for College for Underclass Students - 7 pm - virtual - hosted by College Access Fairfax, details below.

April 3 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing - 8:30 am - sign up here to take the ASVAB, the test used by the military as its entrance exam as well as for job placement. Students must be 16+

April 3 - NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshop - sign up here

April 5 - Paying for College for Underclass Students - 10 am - virtual - hosted by College Access Fairfax, details below.

April 7 - Junior Focus Day, 3rd period, details below!

April 10 - Virtual Military Night, 6-8 pm. Mark your calendar! More information available here

April 13 - US Military Academy/West Point Admissions Event - 1:00-3:00 pm, American Legion Post 176, Springfield, VA (details below)

April 24 - Discover NOVA Open House, 4 - 7 pm, Manassas campus - Go here - NOVA Open House Flyer - for more information and to register

News & Information


Junior Focus Day - Monday, April 7, 3rd period - Student Services is excited to announce Westfield's Junior Focus Day, a special event designed to help juniors explore their future options! Whether you’re considering college, the military, or entering the workforce, this event will provide valuable resources to help you plan for life after graduation. We encourage all juniors to attend and complete the required survey to participate. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start planning your next big step!" 

West Point/United States Military Academy/Admissions Event - Learn about West Point as a premier institution for leadership development, academic excellence, and character growth. Gain firsthand insights into the daily life of a West Point cadet including academics, athletics, and leadership training. Understand the steps to apply to West Point and gather valuable tips to enhance your application.


Date: Apr 13, 2025

Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Location: American Legion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA

RSVP here

College Access Fairfax: Financial Aid Sessions - College Access Fairfax will hold the following virtual Financial Aid presentations. Just click on the date link to join!

Military Benefits for Students- the Lead Financial Educator and Military Benefits Liaison from Navy Mutual Aid Association will be there! She’ll cover topics about residency requirements, using the GI Bill, the Yellow Ribbon Program and much more!

Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 10am  

Paying for College for Underclass Students - Families of underclass students are encouraged to “get a jump” on learning about the financial aid process for post-secondary education.

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 7pm

Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 10am

Repeat Information

Exploring Your Future With the ASVAB – Discover Your Strengths, Chart Your Course! - Take the ASVAB during school at Westfield on Thursday, April 3.

The ASVAB, or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is the military entrance exam. But it’s also a well-respected aptitude assessment and career exploration tool. If students earn a high score, ASVAB results are a valuable addition to/piece of information for college applications. The test is also good practice for college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.

The ASVAB is made up of several different sections, each designed to measure different skills and knowledge. This helps create a well-rounded picture of a students’ abilities and aptitudes.

After completing the ASVAB and a career interest inventory, students will receive results ranking their work-related interest in six categories. These results will help determine career fields or occupations that are potentially satisfying.

Interested in taking the ASVAB? Follow these two easy steps:

  • Register for the April 3 ASVAB here – students must be 16+
  • Turn in Parent Permission Form, which can be found in the ASVAB folder on Schoology or in the Career Center (G110) - Permission Form due by Friday, March 28.


 Enrichment Programs  – posted in Naviance


Social Impact Fellowship Deadline: 3/30/2025 Event dates: 6/1-8/17/2025

Free Speech Forum: Voices of Tomorrow Deadline: 3/30/2025 Event dates: 6/22-6/28/2025

DataGen Scholars Program Deadline: Enrollment opens 4/1 Event date: Summer 2025

Junior Visit Day at Longwood University Event date: 4/5/2025

Neubauer Family Adelante Summer Scholars Program Deadline: 4/9/2025 Event dates: 7/13-7/18/2025

Young Ambassadors Program (YAP) Deadline: 4/11/2025 Event dates: 6/22-6/28 and 7/7-8/1/2025

PWC Accounting Careers Leadership Institute Deadline: 4/11/2025 Event dates: 6/22-6/26/2025

Ukrainian Holodomor Awareness Student Competition Deadline: 4/11/2025

Virginia Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program Deadline: 4/15/2025 Event dates: 6/15-6/20/2025

Youth Conservation Camp Deadline: 4/20/2025 Event: July 13-19 at Virginia Tech

Oliver Hill/Samuel Tucker Pre-Law Institute Deadline: 4/25/2025 Event dates: 7/6-7/11/2025

CTS Flash Forward: Postsecondary Education and Employment Options Event date: 4/30/2025 The E-Summer Program @ NOVA Deadline: 5/2/2025 Event dates: 7/7-8/15/2025

BioScience: AI & Life Science in Disease Research Event dates: 6/21-9/6/2025

Shirley Povich Center Sports Journalism Summer Camp Event dates: 7/7-7/11/2025

Architecture Career Discovery Program Event dates: In-person: 7/7-7/18/2025 Virtual: 7/21-8/1/2025

UMW Summer Enrichment Program Event dates: 7/13-7/19/2025

Mastro Films Summer Mastertracks Event dates: 7/14-7/25/2025

One Lab Summer Studio Event dates: 7/14-7/24 or 7/28-8/7/2025

Teens Behind the Scenes Jr Director Internship Program - Moonlit Wings Productions - dates: Summer 2025

Volunteer Stream Monitoring in Fairfax County Event dates: Ongoing

RISD's Summer Teen Art Institute in Shangai Event date: Summer/Dates range depending on length of program

Boston University Academic Immersion (AIM) Event date: Varies by program

Volunteer Alexandria Event dates: Ongoing projects that need volunteers

TurnUp Youth Activism Remote Internship Event date: Rolling admissions 


For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance


New Scholarships 

FBI-LEEDA College Scholarship Program Amount: $1,000/year Deadline: 3/29/2025

UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship Deadline extension! 3/31/2025

The Dream Project Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship Amount: $4,000 Deadline: 3/31/2025

VSUAA NOVA Chapter Scholarship (Repost!) Deadline: 3/31/2025

Love Like Adam Scholarship Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 4/9/2025

Dunkin’ Baltimore/Metro DC Regional Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 4/15/2025

2025 Red Sash Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 4/15/2025

Rise Up Scholarship Amount: $1,000/4 years Deadline: 4/15/2025

DNT Foundation Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/18/2025 **Application in Naviance**

SPIL It Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 4/30/2025

Fairfax Alliance of Black School Educators Scholarship (FABSE) Amount: Unknown Deadline: 4/15/2025

Skechers Scholarship Program Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 4/30/2025

E-waste Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/30/2025 

NOVA Future Leaders Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 5/15/2025

Catherine G Jurgemeyer Memorial Scholarship Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 5/31/2025

CARR Memorial Needs-Based Scholarship for Excellence in Civics and Overall Academics Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 5/31/2025

Commander Newell S Rand Jr Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

The Law Offices of Scott Henry Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

Herb Block Scholarship Amount: Up to $16,000 Deadline: 6/1/2025

Elizabeth L. Lawrence Foundation Voice Scholarship Program Amount: Up to $2,000 Deadline: 6/9/2025 **Application in Naviance**

Digital Privacy Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 6/30/2025


Westfield-Only Scholarships

Future American Systems (FAST) Scholarship – deadline Friday, April 25, 2025 - One senior Westfield student will receive a one-time $2,500 scholarship and be considered for a paid summer internship following their 2nd or 3rd year of college. Minimum GPA of 3.0. Candidates are evaluated on the strength of their application including extra-curricular activities and honors, two recommendations, and essays about their interests and how they align with American Systems’ primary business functions and a time they came up with an innovative solution to a problem. American Systems is seeking to reward future talent who may one day become a valued part of their workforce. Application in Naviance.

The Herndon Closet Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 28, 3 pm - Multiple one-time awards of $1,000-$1,500. The Closet’s mission is to impact lives through its non-profit thrift shop. Scholarship criteria includes a demonstrated interest in helping others; a well-rounded student with average to good academic potential (min GPA 2.5) and financial need. Application in Naviance

Sully Foundation Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 28, 3 pm - Sully Foundation will provide a $2,500 scholarship and a $1,500 scholarship to 2025 high school seniors from Westfield. The goal of the scholarship is to promote interest in and knowledge of Sully Historic site. Applicant should have a good academic record, show a passion for learning and exploring, and submit a short essay about the Sully Historic site. Unofficial transcript, application, original essay or video essay, and photo taken at Sully Historic Site. Application in Naviance.

Regional Scholarships – Applications to Career Center or Sponsor (please follow instructions)

Committee for Dulles / Dulles Airport Scholarship – deadline March 31. Applicant must be an employee or volunteer of, or the dependent of an employee or volunteer of, a business or agency operating in the Washington Dulles Airport community (defined as inside the fence that surrounds the entire airport property). Minimum of eleven (11) college/trade school scholarships. Leadership and commitment to the community considered, essay, recommendation letter.

Emily and Fred Ruffing Scholarship – deadline Monday, May 5, 3 pm - Scholarship award of $2,000 per semester through college to an FCPS graduating high school senior with a disability who is pursuing a full-time higher education program beyond high school. Priority given to students from Justice and Annandale high schools, but students from any high school are encouraged to apply. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected].

Laura Ashley Piper Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 7, 3 pm. Scholarship award of $1,000 to an FCPS graduating high school senior who displays personal integrity, student leadership, and service to school and community; academic excellence; and athletic merit. Westfield will nominate one student. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected]

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.






February 2025 Newsletters

Feb. 14, 2025 - Many new internships and free summer programs in Enrichment Programs, Rescheduled FAFSA/VASA Completion Event, VBA Bank Day Program

WHS College and Career News / February 14

In this issue: Many new internships and free summer programs in Enrichment Programs, Rescheduled FAFSA/VASA Completion Event, VBA Bank Day Program

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Feb 19 - Rescheduled Westfield FAFSA/VASA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

Feb 20 - Finish Strong Help Session (Seniors) - 10:30 am - Career Center - sign up here.

Feb 28 - CPP Application due - see info below

March 4 and 10 - Job Fair Prep Days, 10:30 am (FLEX) - Workshops to help you get ready for the job fair (resume, interview skills, job search, work permit process.

March 6 - NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshop

March 14 - Annual Westfield HS Job Fair - 11:20 am - 1:20 pm -  in the cafeteria during all lunches

March 15 - Fairfax County Teen Job Fair @ Chantilly HS

April 3 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing - 8:30 am - sign up here to take the ASVAB, the test used by the military as its entrance exam as well as for job placement. Students must be 16+

News & Information


Senior Families - RESCHEDULED: Westfield FAFSA/VASA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - Weds, Feb 19, 6-8 pm, Westfield HS. Find more info here - Spanish language support available.

Why apply for aid? Colleges use the FAFSA (or VASA for some students), CSS Profile, and other financial aid tools to determine both need and merit based aid. Check out this article and link to the Net Price Calculator, which will provide valuable information and help you predict your financial aid package.

What is the FAFSA? The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is an online tool used to apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study, and loans. Completing and submitting the FAFSA is free, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to pay for college or career school. The FAFSA has undergone major changes in the past year. After a difficult launch last year, it’s been reported that this year’s form is working much better. Access the form here.

Teen Job Fair and Career Building Workshops - Sat, March 15, 11 am - 1 pm, Chantilly HS, Open to all students with most opportunities geared toward ages 16+. Includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, volunteer, internships, and more!

VBA Bank Day - Open to Seniors, 3.0 GPA or higher, Register by 2/28. During this program, you will learn about the banking industry, ways to manage your financial future, career in banking and the ways banks support their communities. Registered students will be connected with a local bank that will host you and other students for a Bank Day experience that house videos, articles and podcasts to explore and research. From your experience, you will write an essay based on what you’ve learned and these essays will be judged by bankers from across the state. Register here by February 28, 2025. Questions - Contact Monica McDearmon, @email

Repeat Information

The College Partnership Program (CPP) application is now open and due February 28! The mission of CPP is to provide students with equitable access to post-secondary opportunities and activities necessary for college and career readiness. CPP was created to help students who face additional barriers to achieving their higher education goals. Students of all backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply here using their FCPS G-Suite account.

Seniors - The Finish Strong application is now open! You can pick up an application in any sub school and the Career Center (G110). The applications and other resources are also available in the Student Services Schoology Course / Finish Strong Folder. Need help finding a Finish Strong placement or with your application? Sign up for one of the Finish Strong Help Sessions. They are being held on January 27 and 30, February 3, 13 and 20. You can also check out the Resources in the Finish Strong Folder for a sample email and resume, tips for finding an internship, plus links to a variety of Business and Volunteer Opportunity Resources.


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Enrichment Programs

NEI Summer Intern Program Deadline: 2/19/2025 Event dates: Summer 2025  

After the FASFA: What Happens Next? Webinar Event date: 2/20 or 2/27/2025

Pathways to Quantum Summer Immersion Program Deadline: 2/23/2025 Event dates: Virtual: 6/23-7/9 In-Person: 7/12-7/18 ( Participants must participate in both sessions)

JMU Summer Honors Institute Deadline: 2/28/2025 Event dates: 7/13-7/19/2025

Pathways for Future Engineers Deadline: 3/1/2025 Event dates: Varies on age, see website for date specifics

Stevens Pre-College Summer Residential Program Deadline: 3/1/2025 Event dates: Specific dates vary depending on program

Carnegie Mellon University Pre-College Programs Deadline: 3/1/2025 Event dates: Summer 2025

Cyberquest Competition Deadline: 3/3/2025 Event date: 3/29/2025

Dental Health Summer Institute Deadline: 3/7/2025 Event date: 6/23-6/27/2025

Juntos Podemos "Together We Can" Deadline: 3/14/2025 Event date: 4/12/2025

Robotics AI Community Outreach  Event date: 3/17/2025

National STEM Festival  Event dates: 3/19-3/22/2025

UVA Summer Language Institute (SLI) Deadline: 3/28/2025 Event date: 6/16-8/8/2025

Virginia State University Open House Event date: 3/29/2025

The Leadership Center of Arlington Inspire Program Deadline: 3/31/2025 Event dates: 6/23-6/27/2025

Emory Summer College Program Deadline: 4/25/2025 Event dates: Two sessions across May-August 2025

GW Pre-College Program 2025 Deadline: 5/1/2025 Event dates: Two sessions across June-July 2025

St. John's College Summer Academy Deadline: 5/1/2025 Event dates: June and July 2025

Interior Design Summer Workshop Event dates: Virtual: 6/2-6/27 In-Person: Three sessions across June-July 2025

One Course Summer Institute Event dates: 6/15-7/2/2025

Duke Pre-College’s Online Program Event dates: 6/16-6/27 and 7/7-7/18/2025

Discover Swarthmore Fly-In Program Deadline: 6/15/2025 Event dates: Fall 2025 Date TBD

Bucknell University Engineering Camp Event dates: 6/22-6/27/2025

Saturday/Summer Enrichment Program Event dates: 6/23-6/27 or 7/30-8/1 or 8/4-8/8/2025 

High School Summer Programs at UMBC Event dates: Summer 2025

Pre-College Summer Arts Programs Event dates: Summer 2025

The Promise Scholar Program Event dates: Fall 2025 

Northwestern Pre-College Online Program Event dates: Varies by program 

Civic Internship Opportunity Event date: Rolling admission 

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Virginia Aviation Scholarships  Amount: $3,000 Deadline: 2/28/2025

AFCEA DC 2025 STEM Scholarship (Name change) Amount: Varies Deadline: 3/8/2025

UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 3/15/2025

The Scholarship for Journalism Diversity  Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/16/2025

The Wes Vernon Broadcast Scholarship  Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/16/2025

VSUAA NOVA Chapter Scholarship Amount: 15-20K on average per year Deadline: 3/31/2025

Andrews Federal College Scholarships Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/31/2025

Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority Scholarship Program Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/31/2025

The National CCAA First-Year Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/1/2025

Arlington-Fairfax Chapter- IWLA Scholarship Amount: Varies Deadline: 4/1/2025 ** Application in Naviance**

The Arlington-Fairfax Chapter Environmental Sciences Scholarship Amount: $5,000/year Deadline: 4/1/2025

Phi Beta Kappa Association High School Awards Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/6/2025

Gloria Lee Gordon Scholarship Amount: Up to $2,000 Deadline: 4/11/2025 ** Application in Naviance**

Legacy of Life Scholarship  Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 4/14/2025

The Plein Environmental Scholarship Fund Amount: $5000 Deadline: 4/25/2025

Chamber Business Scholarships Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 4/28/2025

Thermo Fisher Scientific Antibody Scholarship Program Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 4/30/2025

Science Saves Video Scholarship Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 5/5/2025

American Industries Scholarship Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 5/30/2025

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.






Feb. 28, 2025 - STEM Academy at GMU, ASVAB Exploration Opportunity, NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshops, Local and Regional Scholarships

WHS College and Career News / February 28

In this issue: STEM Academy at GMU, ASVAB Exploration Opportunity, NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshops, Local and Regional Scholarships

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

March 4 and 10 - Job Fair Prep Days, 10:30 am (FLEX) - Workshops to help you get ready for the job fair (resume, interview skills, job search, work permit process).

March 6 - NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshop - sign up here

March 7 - CPP Application deadline - see info below

March 10 - Finish Strong Application deadline

March 14 - Annual Westfield HS Job Fair - 11:20 am - 1:20 pm -  in the cafeteria during all lunches

March 15 - Fairfax County Teen Job Fair @ Chantilly HS

April 3 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing - 8:30 am - sign up here to take the ASVAB, the test used by the military as its entrance exam as well as for job placement. Students must be 16+

April 3 - NOVA Enrollment Prep Workshop - sign up here

News & Information


Current 9th and 10th grade students - Check out the VALHEN STEM Academy (VSA) at George Mason University!  VSA 2025 will run from July 30 to August 1, 2025. Application deadline - Friday, March 7. 

VSA is a FREE, three-day/two-night residential program at GMU’s Fairfax Campus that engages rising sophomores and juniors (current 9th and 10th graders) from Virginia in immersive, faculty-led STEM experiences. Selected participants explore STEM majors and career pathways, collaborate on solutions to global challenges, and develop essential research, problem-solving, and science communication skills.

Selection for VSA is based on the student’s academic year of study (current 9th or 10th grader in Virginia in good standing), the quality/completeness of the application, demonstrated interest in STEM or health-related fields, and effectively articulating how the VSA program will support their future college/career aspirations. 

Click HERE to learn more about the VALHEN STEM Academy, or to access the application.  

Exploring Your Future With the ASVAB – Discover Your Strengths, Chart Your Course! - Take the ASVAB during school at Westfield on Thursday, April 3.

The ASVAB, or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is the military entrance exam. But it’s also a well-respected aptitude assessment and career exploration tool. If students earn a high score, ASVAB results are a valuable addition to/piece of information for college applications. The test is also good practice for college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.

The ASVAB is made up of several different sections, each designed to measure different skills and knowledge. This helps create a well-rounded picture of a students’ abilities and aptitudes.

After completing the ASVAB and a career interest inventory, students will receive results ranking their work-related interest in six categories. These results will help determine career fields or occupations that are potentially satisfying.

Interested in taking the ASVAB? Follow these two easy steps:

  • Register for the April 3 ASVAB here – students must be 16+
  • Turn in Parent Permission Slip, which can be found in the ASVAB folder on Schoology or in the Career Center (G110)

Repeat Information

Seniors - Attending NOVA next fall? Sign up to attend one of the upcoming Enrollment Prep workshops during FLEX on March 6 and April 3. This workshop will help you take the steps you need to enroll in your classes. Ms. Liquid, our NOVA advisor, will also be available during all lunches on these days to answer questions and provide additional help. Sign up for an Enrollment Prep Workshop here.

The College Partnership Program (CPP) application deadline has been extended to Friday, March 7! The mission of CPP is to provide students with equitable access to post-secondary opportunities and activities necessary for college and career readiness. CPP was created to help students who face additional barriers to achieving their higher education goals. Students of all backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply here using their FCPS G-Suite account.

Seniors - The Finish Strong deadline has been extended to Monday, March 10. You can pick up an application in any sub school and the Career Center (G110). The applications and other resources are also available in the Student Services Schoology Course / Finish Strong Folder. Check out the Resources in the Finish Strong Folder for a sample email and resume, tips for finding an internship, plus links to a variety of Business and Volunteer Opportunity Resources.


Enrichment Programs  – posted in Naviance

Academy For Media Production Open House Event date: 3/1/2025

PREFACE: The Rensselaer Summer Engineering Design Program Deadline: 4/4/2025 Event dates: 7/20-8/2/2025

UNC Summer School Deadline: 5/16/2025 Event date: Summer 2025

15 on the 15th: Liberal Arts Colleges Across the U.S. Event date: Starts 5/15/2025

Arabic Summer Language Institute Deadline: 5/15/2025 Event dates: 6/2-8/1/2025

Terp Young Scholars Deadline: 6/1/2025 Event date: 7/14-8/1/2025

STEM/Engineering & Construction Camps Dates: Varies depending on location 

Pathway Programs at Michigan Tech Deadline: Applications accepted on a rolling basis

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.


Scholarships – posted in Naviance

New Scholarships 

Gloria Lee Gordon Scholarship Amount: Up to $2,000 Deadline: 4/11/2025 **Application in Naviance**

Bentley Family Scholarship Fund Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/14/2025

Rose Koury Scholarship Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 3/14/2025

Vance International Inc Scholarship Fund Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 3/17/2025

The John R Lilard VAOC Scholarship Amount: $3,000 Deadline: 2/28/2025

Samuel O Kwarteng Memorial Scholarship Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 5/4/2025

Hagan Scholarship Amount: Varies Deadline: 3/15/2025

Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 4/1/2025

Alfred Street Baptist Church Foundation Scholarships Amount: Varies Deadline: 4/15/2025

The Liberty Tree Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 4/29/2025

Sage Communications Scholarship Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 4/1/2025

Westfield-Only Scholarships

Sully Foundation Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 28, 3 pm

Sully Foundation will provide a $2,500 scholarship and a $1,500 scholarship to 2025 high school seniors from Westfield.

  • Goal is to promote interest in and knowledge of Sully Historic site.
  • Applicant should have a good academic record, show a passion for learning and exploring, and submit a short essay about the Sully Historic site.

Unofficial transcript, application, original essay or video essay, and photo taken at Sully Historic Site. Application in Naviance.

Regional Scholarships – Applications to Career Center or Sponsor (please follow instructions)

Future Teachers! Apply to the W. Harold Ford Scholarship – deadline Tuesday, March 19 at 3 pm to the Career Center or Ms. Cudahy’s email ([email protected]). To encourage the most academically qualified students to enter the teaching profession, the W. Harold Ford Scholarship Foundation is pleased to offer several $2,000 one-time scholarships. Applicants should plan to attend, on a full-time basis, a college or university which offers a teacher education program leading to certification and plan to teach after graduation. GPA of at least 2.7. Scholarship available at

Committee for Dulles / Dulles Airport Scholarship – application opens March 1; deadline March 31. Applicant must be an employee or volunteer of, or the dependent of an employee or volunteer of, a business or agency operating in the Washington Dulles Airport community (defined as inside the fence that surrounds the entire airport property). Minimum of eleven (11) college/trade school scholarships. Leadership and commitment to the community considered, essay, recommendation letter.

Emily and Fred Ruffing Scholarship – deadline Monday, May 5, 3 pm - Scholarship award of $2,000 per semester through college to an FCPS graduating high school senior with a disability who is pursuing a full-time higher education program beyond high school. Priority given to students from Justice and Annandale high schools, but students from any high school are encouraged to apply. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected].

Laura Ashley Piper Scholarship – deadline Monday, April 7, 3 pm. Scholarship award of $1,000 to an FCPS graduating high school senior who displays personal integrity, student leadership, and service to school and community; academic excellence; and athletic merit. Westfield will nominate one student. Application in Naviance. Completed applications to Ms. Cudahy in the Career Center (G110) or by email – [email protected]

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.

January 2025 Newsletters

Jan. 17, 2025 - Law Exploration Program, NOVA IET Career Day, FREE NOVA Engineering Technology Training Program (Graduating Seniors Only), Many New FREE Enrichment Programs and Scholarships

WHS College and Career News / January 17, 2025

In this issue: Law Exploration Program, NOVA IET Career Day, FREE NOVA Engineering Technology Training Program (Graduating Seniors Only), Many New FREE Enrichment Programs and Scholarships

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Jan 23 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Lecture Hall - first of two NOVA Application workshops offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 1 - HBCU Fair, 10 am - 1 pm, Tuscarora High School in Loudoun County

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

Feb 20 - NOVA IET Career Day, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm, Manassas Campus - details below.

News & Information


Color of Justice - Legal Profession Exploration Program - High school students are invited to explore the legal profession at the Color of Justice Program on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Fairfax Courthouse.

This is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable insights into the legal system and can also participate in an optional essay contest for a chance to win a prize! Registration is open until March 3, 2025. Students can register individually through this link. Additional information available in the Career Center (G110). Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and be inspired!

NOVA IET Career Day - Thurs, Feb 20, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm - Manassas Campus - NOVA IET Career Days are FREE career exploration and awareness events to showcase Information and Engineering Technology (IET) programs for high school students considering a 1, 2 or 4-year education pathway to pursue a technology career. You will attend sessions on IET programs, go on a campus tour, and learn about NOVA admissions. Open to juniors and seniors. If Westfield gets 25 students to register, NOVA will provide transportation to and from the event and lunch! Registration Link

Seniors - FREE 1-Year Engineering Technology Career Scholars Program – NOVA is recruiting 60 students for a tuition-free, stipend earning pathway to in-demand Engineering Technology careers. ET Scholars will participate in a summer 2025 bridge program, complete NOVA’s Data Center Operations (DCO) Career Studies Certificate or Engineering Technology Technician Career Studies Certificate focusing on the semiconductor field during the 2025-26 academic year - and receive a guaranteed interview for an internship or apprenticeship with a NOVA Engineering Technology partner. The application is open from January 21 - March 14, 2025. Application and additional information available here.

Repeat Information

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at George C. Marshall High School from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.  The evening will begin with a presentation in the auditorium from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Immediately following, the program fair will be held in the cafeteria from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., with representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities.  Students and their families are invited to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.  Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event. For more information, visit: USA Gap Year Fairs or contact Pamela White, Postsecondary Special Projects Liaison, at [email protected] or 571-393-1102.

Check out the free Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST) program designed to provide Virginia’s 8th and 9th grade students with hands-on STEM experiences. Over the course of three days in the summer, participants will stay on college campuses and engage in dynamic STEM activities, with no prior experience required! Application is open now through February 1. Get additional  information, access to the online application, and more here:

2025 BLAST Session Dates: William & Mary - June 22-25, Virginia Tech - July 20-23, Radford University - July 20-23, Old Dominion University - July 27-30, University of Virginia - July 30-August 2


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

PIP Academy 2025 – FREE 10-day residential program at Virginia Tech designed to introduce students from diverse backgrounds to the dynamic world of business and business careers. Min 3.5 GPA. Event dates: July 2025

NSO Summer Music Institute – Free – includes all activity, instruction, housing, and local transportation. Deadline: 1/20/2025 Event dates: 6/23-7/21/2025

Urban Journalism Workshop Deadline: 1/24/2025 Event dates: 3/8-4/26/2025

National Summer Program Fair – in-person event in Washington DC Event date: 1/30/2025

Hackathon Event date: 2/1/2025

2025 West Point LEADS DC Metro Deadline: 2/7/2025 Event date: 2/14/2025

Children's Science Center Youth Advisory Board Deadline: 3/3/2025 Event dates: 2025-2027 academic years

Johns Hopkins University Junior Preview Day  Event date: 2/17/2025

FCPD Community Police Academy  - (must be 18) Event date: 3/13-5/17/2025

Western Carolina University's Engineering Information Session Event date: 2/4/2025

High School Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Video Pitch Competition Deadline: 3/1/2025 Event date: 4/1/2025

Jan. 24, 2025 - College Partnership Program (CPP) Application, Finish Strong for Seniors, Healthcare Webinar, Engineering Days at UVA, and more!

WHS College and Career News / January 24, 2025

In this issue: College Partnership Program (CPP) Application, Finish Strong for Seniors, Healthcare Webinar, Engineering Days at UVA, and more!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 1 - HBCU Fair, 10 am - 1 pm, Tuscarora High School in Loudoun County

Feb 5 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Lecture Hall - NOVA Application workshop offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

Feb 20 - NOVA IET Career Day, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm, Manassas Campus - details below.

News & Information


The College Partnership Program (CPP) application is now open and due February 28! The mission of CPP is to provide students with equitable access to post-secondary opportunities and activities necessary for college and career readiness. CPP was created to help students who face additional barriers to achieving their higher education goals. Students of all backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply here using their FCPS G-Suite account.

Seniors - The Finish Strong application is now open! You can pick up an application in any sub school and the Career Center (G110). The applications and other resources are also available in the Student Services Schoology Course / Finish Strong Folder. Need help finding a Finish Strong placement or with your application? Sign up for one of the Finish Strong Help Sessions. They are being held on January 27 and 30, February 3, 13 and 10. You can also check out the Resources in the Finish Strong Folder for a sample email and resume, tips for finding an internship, plus links to a variety of Business and Volunteer Opportunity Resources.

Health Care Careers Webinar - Feb 12, 4-5 pm - presented by Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association and Virginia’s Community Colleges. This webinar will highlight examples of healthcare career paths for students interested in pursuing a 2- or 4- year degree following high school. Students will have the opportunity to hear from professionals working in hospitals about their daily roles and the path to their current professions (Registered Nurse, Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, Physical Therapy Assistant, etc.), including their educational journeys following high school. Hosted by the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association in partnership with the Virginia Community College System, this webinar will detail degree programs and available financial aid through G3 to help make your education more affordable.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable information and take the first steps toward a fulfilling career in healthcare! Register here -  Health Care Careers Webinar Series 

Engineering Futures Day at UVA - Experience what it’s like to be an Engineering student at UVA. Application due 1/31 - event Saturday, March 1, 2025take a look at the website for details about the event and who it’s geared toward. Spots are still available! Check it out here -

Repeat Information

NOVA IET Career Day - Thurs, Feb 20, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm - Manassas Campus - NOVA IET Career Days are FREE career exploration and awareness events to showcase Information and Engineering Technology (IET) programs for high school students considering a 1, 2 or 4-year education pathway to pursue a technology career. You will attend sessions on IET programs, go on a campus tour, and learn about NOVA admissions. Open to juniors and seniors. If Westfield gets 25 students to register, NOVA will provide transportation to and from the event and lunch! Registration Link

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at George C. Marshall High School from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities. Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event. For more information, visit: USA Gap Year Fairs or contact Pamela White, Postsecondary Special Projects Liaison, at [email protected] or 571-393-1102.


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Health Care Careers Webinar Series Event date: 2/12/2025

Using Machine Learning to Create the Future Event date: 2/20/2025

Bear's Day – Coast Guard Academy Open House, Connecticut, Event date: 2/24 or 3/25/2025

PRATT Information Session for Prospective Students Event date: 2/25/2025

NASA Internship Programs  Deadline: 2/28/2025 Event dates: Summer 2025

Paleontology Program for High School students Deadline: 3/5/2025 Event dates: 6/14-7/12/2025

Peddrew Yates Institute - at Virginia Tech (formerly the Black College Institute) Deadline: 3/21/2025 Event date: Varies by grade (open to rising juniors and seniors with an interest in Virginia Tech

Crimson Journalism Summit Event dates: 4/5-4/6/2025

Cyber Titans Youth Program Event dates: 6/9-8/22/2025

UC Santa Barbara Pre-College Information Session Event dates: Multiple dates to sign up for

Engineering New Frontiers Summer Institute Event dates: 7/21-7/25/2025

Computational Biosciences Institute Event dates: 7/7-7/16/2025

Summer Teen Art Institute Event dates: July – August 2025

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

Harris K. Leonard Memorial Scholarship  (students who have experienced foster care) Amount: $1,800 Deadline: 2/24/2025

Joseph James Morelli Scholarship (students with an IEP, 504 or documented disability) Amount: Up to $2,500 Deadline: 3/2/2025

Jan. 31, 2025 - Many new internships and free summer programs in Enrichment Programs, International College Fair, Career Center Late Bus Days

WHS College and Career News / January 31, 2025

In this issue: Many new internships and free summer programs in Enrichment Programs, International College Fair, Career Center Late Bus Days 

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Feb 3 - Finish Strong Help Session (Seniors) - 10:30 am - Career Center - sign up here.

Feb 5 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Career Center - NOVA Application workshop offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

Feb 13 - Finish Strong Help Session (Seniors) - 10:30 am - Career Center - sign up here.

Feb 20 - Finish Strong Help Session (Seniors) - 10:30 am - Career Center - sign up here.

Feb 20 - NOVA IET Career Day, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm, Manassas Campus - details below.

Feb 28 - CPP Application due - see info below

March 4 and 10 - Job Fair Prep Days, 10:30 am (FLEX) - Workshops to help you get ready for the job fair (resume, interview skills, job search, work permit process.

March 14 - Annual Westfield HS Job Fair - 11:20 am - 1:20 pm -  in the cafeteria during all lunches

April 3 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Testing - 8:30 am - sign up here to take the ASVAB, the test used by the military as its entrance exam as well as for job placement. Students must be 16+

News & Information


Career Center Late Bus Days - Come and work on Finish Strong, Scholarships, Financial Aid, Job Search, College and Career Exploration - The Career Center will be open on late bus days for students in all grades to work on college- and career-related activities. Students can make an appointment or just drop in! Announcements will be made in advance if the Career Center will not be open on a late bus day.

College News - US Colleges Saw Enrollment Rise Last Fallcheck out this article about the surprising news that US college enrollment actually rose last fall. This news is an update to earlier data showing a decrease provided by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Increases were particularly strong for community colleges. Other trends include older students starting college and more students attending graduate school.

Featured Event!DC International University Fair  - Check out this new international college fair featuring 30 universities from 14 countries. Thurs, Feb 13, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, The Field School, Washington, DC. 

Repeat Information

The College Partnership Program (CPP) application is now open and due February 28! The mission of CPP is to provide students with equitable access to post-secondary opportunities and activities necessary for college and career readiness. CPP was created to help students who face additional barriers to achieving their higher education goals. Students of all backgrounds and experiences are encouraged to apply here using their FCPS G-Suite account.

Seniors - The Finish Strong application is now open! You can pick up an application in any sub school and the Career Center (G110). The applications and other resources are also available in the Student Services Schoology Course / Finish Strong Folder. Need help finding a Finish Strong placement or with your application? Sign up for one of the Finish Strong Help Sessions. They are being held on January 27 and 30, February 3, 13 and 20. You can also check out the Resources in the Finish Strong Folder for a sample email and resume, tips for finding an internship, plus links to a variety of Business and Volunteer Opportunity Resources.

NOVA IET Career Day - Thurs, Feb 20, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm - Manassas Campus - NOVA IET Career Days are FREE career exploration and awareness events to showcase Information and Engineering Technology (IET) programs for high school students considering a 1, 2 or 4-year education pathway to pursue a technology career. You will attend sessions on IET programs, go on a campus tour, and learn about NOVA admissions. Open to juniors and seniors. If Westfield gets 25 students to register, NOVA will provide transportation to and from the event and lunch! Registration Link


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance


Enrichment Programs

Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) Northern Virginia Internship Program - paid internship open to rising seniors, Deadline: 2/3/2025 Event dates: 6/23-8/8/2025

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Summer Academy Registration opens: 2/3/2025

West Point Summer STEM Program  Deadline: 2/17/2025 Event dates: 6/9-6/13/2025

STEM Camp Internship Program – Children’s Science Center LAB at Fair Oaks Mall Deadline: 2/28/2025 Event dates: 6/16-8/15/2025

2025 ADEA GoDental Recruitment Event Event date: 3/8/2025

Air Force Office of Scientific Research Legacy Craftsman Camp Ages 14-15 Deadline: 3/17/2025 Event dates: July 14-18 (some local opportunities)

Summer Seminar Naval Academy Summer Seminar Deadline: 3/31/2025 Event dates: Three sessions, see website

AgDiscovery Program FREE agricultural sciences program on college campuses - Event dates: 6/16-7/2/2025 – several options at college campuses within driving distance

Mason Game Design with Unity Course Event dates: Saturdays, March- Mid-April

Mason Game and Technology Academy (MGTA) Summer Classes Event dates: June-August 2025

NASA Data Science Analysis and Scholarly Research Paper Writing – only 50 students accepted; first-come, first-served, Event dates: 6/14-8/30/2025

2025 Fairfax County Teen Job Fairs  Event date: 3/8/2025 at West Springfield High, 3/15/2025 at Chantilly High

Coding Camps & STEM Programs – at American University - Event dates: 6/23-8/8/2025

Radio Production Summer Camp - Fairfax Public Access, Event dates: Various sign up dates across June-July

Greenway Internship Program - paid camp counselor training program at Madeira School Event dates: 7/7-7/18/2025 or 7/21-8/1/2025

Rice ELITE Tech Camps Event dates: Summer 2025

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance


The Dream Project Scholarship Amount: $4,000 Deadline: 2/1/2025

Virginia State Golf Association (VSGA) VIP Scholarship Amount: $6,000 Deadline: 2/14/2025 (date correction)

2025 VBA Bank Day Scholarship Program Amount: Up to $7,500 Deadline: 3/18/2025

LeRoy Collins Memorial Scholarship Amount: Varies Deadline: 3/28/2025 ** Application in Naviance**

Leroy Collins Memorial Scholarship for Trade School Amount: Varies  Deadline: 3/28/2025 ** Application in Naviance**

National Capital Environmental Scholarship Program Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 4/1/2025

The Miriam Lieb Memorial Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/15/2025

Excellence in Art Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 4/21/2025

Aging Matters Scholarship Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 5/15/2025 

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.






2024 Newsletters

Sept 2, 2024 - College 101 Workshop Series, WHS College Rep Visits, Free School Day SAT for Seniors

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year and the Westfield HS College & Career News!

This weekly newsletter will feature college & career-oriented information, programs and events, financial aid and scholarship information, as well as job, volunteer and enrichment opportunities! You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. Both resources are updated regularly – keep checking back for the latest information!

Mark Your Calendar:

Sept 4 - College 101: College Search and College Visits, Career Center (G110), 10:30 - 11:15 am

Sept 4 – Deadline for seniors to register for Westfield’s SAT School Day – Information and registration information here

Sept 9 – College Rep Visits to Westfield begin (for sophomores, juniors and seniors) – details below

Sept 12 – Senior College Night, Lecture Hall - NOVA Info Session, 6:30 pm; Senior College Presentation, 7:00 pm. Spanish-speaking presentation, Career Center (G110) - more details in separate email to senior families

Sept 26 - Monthly College Partnership Program (CPP) Meeting

Oct 9 – SAT School Day @ Westfield HS (seniors only) – deadline to sign up Sept 6

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – details below

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – details coming soon!

News & Information

NEW! WHS College 101 Workshop Series - Each workshop will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity to work on that day’s topic or other college prep activities. During FLEX, 10:30 - 11:15 am, Career Center. Sign up here.

September Schedule

College Search/College Visit How To - Weds, Sept 4

Setting Up Your Common App Account/College App Basics* - Thurs, Sept 12 and Mon, Sept 16

Essay Writing* - Weds, Sept 18

Selecting Your Major or Program of Study - Mon, Sept 30

*open to seniors only

School Day SAT – Oct 9 (deadline to register is Weds, Sept 4) - Seniors Only

On Wednesday, October 9, Westfield High School twelfth graders will have the opportunity to participate in the SAT School Day. FCPS will cover the cost for any twelfth grade student to take this test. The essay option and subject area tests are not available during SAT School Day. To participate, please fill out the form below by Wednesday, September 4. 

Westfield High School: 2024 SAT School Day Intent to Participate Form (

Students will need to use a email account to access and complete this form.  A translated version of the form content may be found on the SAT School Day Intent Form webpage ( FCPS sites cannot accept walk-ins on the day of the exam. If you have questions about the SAT School Day administration at Westfield High School, please contact Susan Fox at [email protected]

College Fair and Look to the Future Events

The 2024 College Fair will be held on Sunday, October 20 at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena from 4:00 - 6:30 pm. Approximately 220 colleges and universities will be represented, including two and four-year colleges and US Service Academies. Following the fair, the Two-Night Postsecondary Virtual Event will be held on Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield beginning the week of September 9 through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.

Week of September 9-13

Clemson University - Mon, Sept 9, 9 am

East Carolina University - Mon, Sept 9, 9:45 am

Savannah College of Art & Design - Tues, Sept 10, 9 am

Randolph College - Tues, Sept 10, 9:45 am

James Madison University - Tues, Sept 10, 1:30 pm

American University - Weds, Sept 11, 9:45 am

University of Utah - Thurs, Sept 12, 9:45 am

Gettysburg College - Thurs, Sept 12, 1:30 pm

Hofstra University - Fri, Sept 13, 1:30 pm

Upcoming College Fairs and Workshops

College fairs and workshops - either virtual or in-person - are a great way to get information about several different schools at the same time and learn about the college application process. Here are a few coming up this fall!

The NACAC Virtual College Fairs are well-organized and comprehensive. Pick one or two to attend – and plan what schools you want to visit in advance.

  • Sunday, September 15, 1 pm – 6 pm
  • Sunday, October 13, 1 pm – 6 pm
  • Sunday, November 3, 1 pm – 6 pm

The Coalition for College hosts many virtual workshops – including College Affordability & Scholarships, The CSS Profile, Ask Us Anything: College Applications, and Completing the FAFSA. Find them all hereThese can be very informative, even if you aren’t applying to a Coalition school! And their past workshops on essay writing, testing, and more are available to view as well!

National Portfolio Day event hosted by VCUarts (Richmond and Washington, DC) - event date in Richmond is October 5, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm; event date in Washington, DC is October 6, 2024 from 12 pm to 4 pm -

2024 Peach State College Tour Virtual Information Session - event date September 18, 2024, 6:00pm -7:00pm - Learn more about the following Georgia schools - Augusta University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia.

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Internship - The NGA high school student internship application is open until Sept 30, 2024. The application is for current juniors to intern at NGA in the Summer of 2025. The advanced application process is necessary for the selection and security clearance investigation. Here is the website for more information: Contact Mr. Thomas Nance via email at [email protected] with questions.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Scholarships will be added throughout the year, but there are currently more than 20 opportunities listed with upcoming deadlines. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.



Sept 8, 2024 - Senior College Night, College Fair and Look to the Future Events, College Tip of the Week, Middle Skill Credential Career Opportunities, Scholarships and more!

In this issue: Senior College Night, College Fair and Look to the Future Events, College Tip of the Week, Middle Skill Credential Career Opportunities, Scholarships and more!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Sept 9 – College Rep Visits to Westfield begin (for sophomores, juniors and seniors) – details below

Sept 12 – Senior College Night, Lecture Hall - NOVA Info Session, 6:30 pm; Senior College Presentation, 7:00 pm. NOVA Info Session (6:30 pm) and College Presentation (7:00 pm) presented in Spanish, Career Center (G110) presented in Spanish in the Career Center (G110)

Sept 26 - Monthly College Partnership Program (CPP) Meeting

Oct 9 – SAT School Day @ Westfield HS (seniors only) – deadline to register has passed

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – details below

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – details coming soon!

News & Information

College Tip of the Week! - Many colleges and universities offer merit-based scholarships to their top applicants each year. Some schools require a separate application or essay for merit scholarship consideration, and many have deadlines in November or December. Make sure you’re aware of the scholarship opportunities now by checking each college’s admissions or financial aid website. Remember to look for schools where you will be a top applicant!

Virginia Websites to Help You Plan for the Future - The Postsecondary Opportunities for High School Students webpage and the Level Up Virginia website contain information for students on preparing, applying, and paying for college, as well as information on degrees and labor market career projections. Useful information for all grade levels!

Opportunities for Students Who Pursue “Middle-Skill” Credentials - Middle skill credentials are those you can get with an associate degree or career certificate program. And there will be many opportunities with high salaries available for those with these skills throughout the US! These jobs will primarily be in trades, healthcare, management, protective services, and STEM fields, according to Georgetown’s Center on Education and the WorkforceNOVA is an excellent place to find this kind of training! Stop in the Career Center to find out more!

NEW! WHS College 101 Workshop Series - Each workshop will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity to work on that day’s topic or other college prep activities. During FLEX, 10:30 - 11:15 am, Career Center. Sign up here.

September Schedule

Setting Up Your Common App Account/College App Basics* - Thurs, Sept 12 and Mon, Sept 16

Essay Writing* - Weds, Sept 18

Selecting Your Major or Program of Study - Mon, Sept 30

*open to seniors only

College Fair and Look to the Future Events

The 2024 College Fair will be held on Sunday, October 20 at George Mason University’s Eagle Bank Arena from 4:00 - 6:30 pm. Approximately 220 colleges and universities will be represented, including two and four-year colleges and US Service Academies. Following the fair, the Two-Night Postsecondary Virtual Event will be held on Monday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 22 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield beginning the week of September 9 through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.

Week of September 9-13

Clemson University - Mon, Sept 9, 9 am

East Carolina University - Mon, Sept 9, 9:45 am

Savannah College of Art & Design - Tues, Sept 10, 9 am

Randolph College - Tues, Sept 10, 9:45 am

James Madison University - Tues, Sept 10, 1:30 pm

American University - Weds, Sept 11, 9:45 am

University of Utah - Thurs, Sept 12, 9:45 am

Gettysburg College - Thurs, Sept 12, 1:30 pm

Denison University - Fri, Sept 13, 9:00 am

Hofstra University - Fri, Sept 13, 1:30 pm

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Internships, Volunteer, Academic)

2024 First Job Webcast (Understand Your Paycheck, Taxes, etc) - Event date: 9/18/2024

Election Day High School Student Program Deadline: 9/30/2024 Event date: 11/5/2024

Steamology STEM Fest Volunteer Sign Up Event date: 10/12/2024

NGA 2025 Summer Internship Deadline: 9/30/2024 Event date: Summer 2025

Maker Faire NoVa Event date: 10/20/2024

The National STEM Festival  Deadline: 10/20/2024 Event date: 3/19/2025

Congressional App Challenge Deadline: 10/24/2024

Congress- Bundestag Youth Exchange Deadline: 11/1/2024 Event date: August 2025-June 2026

Broad Futures DC Internship Deadline: 11/11/2024 Event date: 1/27-4/18/2025


Enrichment Programs (College Focus)

Society of Women Engineers UVA Visitation Day  - Deadline : 9/19/2024 Event date: 10/19/2024

UVA Fall Fest - highlighting Diverse Communities - Event date: 9/21 or 9/28 * Must register to attend (first come, first served)

Bridges Program Miami University Deadline: 9/23/2024 Event date: 11/17-11/18/2024

Discover Duke University Event date: 10/6/2024

Tulane University Information Session Event date: 10/6/2024

Fall Open House at UMD Event date: 10/11/2024

DC College Counseling Pro Bono Program Deadline: 10/15/2024 


Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.

National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholarship Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 11/1/2024

Sara Jane Memorial Scholarship Amount: $2000 Deadline 11/5/2024

Healthcare Leaders Scholarship Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 12/31/2024

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.


Sept 13, 2024 - Fairfax County Youth Leadership Program for current juniors; Volunteer Fairfax/VolunteerFest; Free NASA Opportunities; Scholarships and more!

WHS College and Career News / September 13, 2024

In this issue: Fairfax County Youth Leadership Program for current juniors; Volunteer Fairfax/VolunteerFest; Free NASA Opportunities; Scholarships and more!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Sept 26 - Monthly College Partnership Program (CPP) Meeting

Oct 9 – SAT School Day @ Westfield HS (seniors only) – deadline to register has passed

Oct 10 - Region 5 Financial Aid Night, Woodson High School, 7-9 pm (details coming soon!)

Oct 17 - NOVA Info Session - for students - sign up in Naviance to attend, 10:30 am

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – more details  here

News & Information

College Tip of the Week! Can’t get out to visit a college or just want to learn more about what college life is like? Check out The College Tour website for 30 minute features about colleges, plus shorter college tours.

Many students are looking for local volunteer opportunities. Beyond the Westfield community, with its many clubs and organizations to support, Volunteer Fairfax is the place to go! The organization engages over 6,000 volunteers annually and serves more than 650 nonprofits and public agencies. Check out their in person Volunteer Fest, scheduled for the November 1 school holiday; create a volunteer profile to be matched with opportunities; and find local events and initiatives you want to support! Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, meet people, give back to the community, and have fun!

Current Juniors - Consider applying to the Fairfax County Youth Leadership Program (FCYLP)FCYLP is designed to educate and motivate high school students to become engaged citizens and leaders in the community. Accepted students participate in monthly learning sessions, complete a three-week paid internship in a Fairfax County department, and act as ambassadors for the program by speaking to middle school civics classes. Deadline to apply: 11/8/2024. .

College 101 Workshop Series - Each workshop will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity to work on that day’s topic or other college prep activities. During FLEX, 10:30 - 11:15 am, Career Center. Sign up here.

September Schedule

Setting Up Your Common App Account/College App Basics* - Mon, Sept 16

Essay Writing* - Weds, Sept 18

Selecting Your Major or Program of Study - Mon, Sept 30

*open to seniors only

Free NASA Opportunities for Virginia High School Students

The Virginia Space Grant Consortium provides FREE NASA-related programs for Virginia's high school students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. The programs have an interactive online STEM learning experience and are highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at NASA. Deadline to apply for each of these programs is October 24.

10th GRADE - Virginia Space Coast Scholars (VSCS) focuses on the current missions flown or managed by NASA Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.

 11th AND 12th GRADE - Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) focuses on NASA’s human spaceflight missions and the Journey to the Moon and on to Mars. Students learn from NASA experts on how to design space missions!

 11th AND 12th GRADE- Virginia Earth System Science Scholars (VESSS) focuses on the challenges the next generation of scientists and engineers to become part of the solution to the societal issues faced by the impacts of climate change. Engaging students in real-world investigations of the Earth and its systems using the latest research and data from NASA. 

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield beginning the week of September 9 through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.

Recently added: University of Pennsylvania, University of Maryland, University of Alabama, and University of Michigan

Week of Sept 16-20

University of Virginia - Mon, Sept 16, 9:00 am

Bates College - Mon, Sept 16, 9:45 am

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) - Mon, Sept 16, 10:30 am

St. John’s College - Mon, Sept 16, 1:30 pm

University of Mississippi - Tues, Sept 17, 9:00 am

Mount St. Mary’s University - Tues, Sept 17, 9:45 am

University of Mary Washington - Tues, Sept 17, 10:30 am

Longwood University - Weds, Sept 18, 1:30 pm

Penn State - Thurs, Sept 19, 9:45 am

Tufts University - Thurs, Sept 19, 10:30 am

Bridgewater College - Fri, Sept 20, 10:30 am

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Internships, Volunteer, Academic)

LEDA Scholars Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America Program - Application Start/Help Night – 9/18, Student Info Session – 9/24, Scholar Panel – 9/30; Deadline: 12/11/2024

Climate Leaders Fellowship by Rustic Pathways  Deadline: 9/23/2024 Event date: 10/11-12/9

Northern Virginia Urban League Guild PSAT Workshop - Free, Virtual, Space Limited - Event date: 10/5/2024 

Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) - focused on introducing underrepresented students to health professions - sponsored by the Student National Medical Association - Deadline: 10/7/2024 Event date: 10/19-12/7

Fairfax County Youth Leadership Program (FCYLP)  Deadline: 11/8/2024 Event dates: 2024-25 school year and Internship – Summer 2025 – Eligibility: Open to current juniors 

Enrichment Programs (College Focus)

SCAD information session – (Savannah College of Art and Design, Event date: 9/28/2024, The Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC

Explore Hopkins: Washington, DC Event date: 10/5/2024

Notre Dame on the Road - Chantilly Event date: 10/8/2024

PharmD Open House at UMaryland Event date: 11/2/2024

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.

 Sallie Mae Scholarship Amount: $2000 Deadline: 9/30/2024

AES Engineers Scholarship Amount: $500 Deadline: 10/8/2024

2024 Student-Athlete Achievement Awards Nomination Amount: Varies Deadline: 10/11/2024

Money Metals Exchange Gold-Backed Scholarship Amount: Up to $2500 Deadline: 10/31/2024

The Good Works Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: 10/31/2024 

National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholarship Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 11/1/2024

Hagan Scholarship Amount: Up to $7500 each semester Deadline: 12/1/2024 

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.



Sept 20, 2024 - Financial Aid Night, Instruction2Industry Video Series, Free SAT and PSAT Prep, West Point Admissions Event, Vet Career Exploration Program, and more!

In this issue: Financial Aid Night, Instruction2Industry Video Series, Free SAT and PSAT Prep, West Point Admissions Event, Vet Career Exploration Program, and more!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Oct 9 – SAT School Day @ Westfield HS (seniors only) – deadline to register has passed

Oct 10 - Region 5 Financial Aid Night, Woodson High School, 7-9 pm (details below)

Oct 14-18 - Instruction2Industry Video Series (Interview Prep, Searching for Opportunities, Starting a Small Business and much more!) - Flyer posted in Schoology here.

Oct 17 - NOVA Info Session - for students - sign up in Naviance to attend, 10:30 am

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – more details  here

News & Information

Class of 2025 Region 5 Financial Aid Night - Thurs, Oct 10, 7 - 9 pm, Woodson High School (Auditorium at Door 18) - College Access Fairfax will present an overview of the financial aid process including information on the FAFSA, VASA, CSS Profile, Financial Aid Award Letters, and more. No pre-registration required. 

Student SAT/PSAT Preparation - All FCPS students have access to Varsity Tutors and Khan Academy’s free online test preparation, whether they are taking the PSAT for the first time or preparing for eleventh grade National Merit Scholarship qualification. Varsity Tutors provides live tutoring services, including PSAT preparation. Khan Academy provides a library of practice questions, videos, lessons, plus test taking tips and strategies. Students will also have access to full length paper tests and digital PSAT practice tests via the College Board Bluebook App.

College 101 Workshop Series - Each workshop will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity to work on that day’s topic or other college prep activities. During FLEX, 10:30 - 11:15 am, Career Center. Sign up here.


Selecting Your Major or Program of Study - Mon, Sept 30

CommonApp Activities Section/College Resume* - Wed, Oct 2

AppLabs (college/career general help) - Oct 8, 17, 23 and 29

*open to seniors only

College Tip of the Week: Ideas to Help You Decide on a College Major

There are a variety of ways you can explore what major you might want to study in college. Here are three to get you started. 

  1. Attend the College 101 Workshop on Selecting Your Major or Program of Study! We’ll talk about what a major is and how to start figuring out what might be a good one for you (sign up below).
  2. Sign up to attend some info sessions about majors. Colleges and organizations host these - and a few virtual ones are listed in this week’s newsletter - ECU’s School of Health and Human Performance and a Veterinary Medicine Career Exploration Event.
  3. Check out the Academic section of college websites and read about different majors. The University of Delaware Academic Program Finder is a great example - each major features areas of study, career options, sample curriculum, and what’s special about the program!

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield beginning the week of September 9 through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.


Week of Sept 23-27

Randolph-Macon College - Sept 23, 9 am

University of South Florida - Sept 23, 9:45 am

Wake Forest University - Sept 23, 1:30 pm

Hollins University - Sept 24, 10:30 am

University of South Carolina - Sept 24, 10:30 am

West Virginia University - Sept 24, 1:30 pm

Marist College - Sept 25, 10:30 am

Binghamton University - Sept 25, 1:30 pm

University of Wisconsin - Sept 26, 1:30 pm

University of Rhode Island - Sept 27, 1:30 pm

Recently added: Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, Hampden-Sydney College

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Academic, Volunteer, Enrichment)

HHP Academic Sessions by ECU Event dates: Various sessions throughout fall check website for specific sign ups

Explore Your Future With Us: Careers And Income-Generating Pathways For Undocumented Students  hosted by the GMU First-Gen Center. In-person at the Johnson Center, George Mason University, Fairfax. Deadline: 10/11/2024 Event date: 10/21/2024

Regeneron Science Talent Search- Society for Science Deadline: 11/7/2024

Veterinary Medicine Careers Exploration (Virtual, $25 fee) Event date: 10/19/2024

Enrichment Programs (College)

Bryn Mawr Alumnae/Interview Days Event dates: 9/25, 10/13, 11/9, 12/7, and 1/5

Diversity Overnight at Case Western Reserve University  Deadline: 10/3/2024 Event date: 10/10-10/11

West Point Admissions Event - Georgetown University Event date: 10/12/2024

Radford University Open House Event dates: 10/19 and 11/16

22nd Annual Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival Event date: 11/9/2024 

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.

2024-2025 International High School Essay Contest Scholarship Deadline: 10/31/2024 Amount: $500

Visual Arts Fellowships from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Deadline: 11/1/2024 Amount: $4000

Barbara Lotze Scholarshsip for Future Teachers Deadline: 12/1/2024 Amount: $3000

Darrigo, Diaz & Jimenez Annual Scholarship for Emergency Responders Deadline: 11/30/2024 Amount: $1000

Harris Goodall Squires Memorial Scholarship Deadline: 4/1/2025 Amount: $5000 *Application in Naviance PDF

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

Sept 27, 2024 - College Direct Admissions Explained, Free Application Tool, Financial Aid Night, HBCU Festival, Fellowships and Internships, New Scholarships

WHS College and Career News / September 27, 2024

In this issue: College Direct Admissions Explained, Free Application Tool, Financial Aid Night, HBCU Festival, Fellowships and Internships, New Scholarships

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Oct 10 - Region 5 Financial Aid Night, Woodson High School, 7-9 pm (details below)

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – more details  here

Nov 8-9 - 22nd Annual Aldred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival, The St. James, Springfield, Reserve free tickets here

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military - sign up here.

News & Information

Westfield Writing Center Help - College Essay Writing Workshop - Oct 2, FLEX - use the QR code on the flyers around school or in the Career Center. The Writing Center is  also offering Multilingual Tutors to support students - sign up here.

Check out this free, open online college application resource designed by professional education consultants to be used side-by-side with Common App as you work through your application - Each section includes explanatory videos, helpful tips, a glossary of application terms, and links to resources mentioned in the videos.

Class of 2025 Region 5 Financial Aid Night - Thurs, Oct 10, 7 - 9 pm, Woodson High School (Auditorium at Door 18) - College Access Fairfax will present an overview of the financial aid process including information on the FAFSA, VASA, CSS Profile, Financial Aid Award Letters, and more. No pre-registration required. 

College 101 Workshop Series - Each workshop will include a short presentation followed by an opportunity to work on that day’s topic or other college prep activities. During FLEX, 10:30 - 11:15 am, Career Center. Sign up here.


Selecting Your Major or Program of Study - Mon, Sept 30

CommonApp Activities Section/College Resume* - Wed, Oct 2

AppLabs (college/career general help) - Oct 8, 17, 23 and 29

*open to seniors only


College Admissions Feature: Understanding Direct Admissions Programs

Direct admissions is a process that allows students to be offered admission to a college or university without having to go through the competitive selection process. Students are offered admission based on specific criteria, most commonly on a student’s GPA. Some of the benefits for students include finding good matches academically and financially and making the college application process feel more manageable. Currently, direct admissions is offered primarily through Common App and Niche.

Common App is a non-profit organization with more than 1,000 college members. Common App’s direct admission program is intended for first-generation and low and middle-income students. Participating colleges set eligibility criteria and then Common App identifies students who meet those criteria using the students’ Common App tab responses. If students have received an offer, they will get a notification on their Common App dashboard that lists which colleges are offering them direct admissions. If students choose to apply, the application will be free and the admissions offer is non-binding, meaning they can choose not to accept the offer.

Niche is a company that connects colleges and schools with students and families. There is no fee for this program. Niche Direct Admissions offers students admission and scholarships to participating colleges. Students register and create a profile, research and add participating schools to their profile, and check their Admissions Hub for acceptances. Students will need to complete all the steps for admission required by the school. Niche has about 100 participating colleges. Family income is not a factor.

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.


Week of Sept 30-Oct 2

Brown University - Tues, Oct 1, 9 am

Plymouth State University - Tues, Oct 1, 10:30 am

University of Richmond - Weds, Oct 2, 9:45 am


Week of Oct 7-11

College of William & Mary - Mon, Oct 7, 9 am

JMU College of Visual & Performing Arts - Mon, Oct 7, 9:45 am

University of Pennsylvania - Mon, Oct 7, 1:30 pm

University of South Carolina - Tues, Oct 8, 9 am

Florida Institute of Technology - Tues, Oct 8, 9:45 am

Appalachian State University - Tues, Oct 8, 10:30 am

Johns Hopkins University - Tues, Oct 8, 1:30 pm

Old Dominion University - Thurs, Oct 10, 9:45 am

The University of Alabama - Thurs, Oct 10, 10:30 am

University of Vermont - Thurs, Oct 10, 1:30 pm

University of Minnesota - Fri, Oct 11, 9 am

Ithaca College - Fri, Oct 11, 9:45 am

Roanoke College - Fri, Oct 11, 10:30 am

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs 

Introduction to Quantum Computing with Google Quantum AI Event dates: 9/29-12/14, Second semester: 1/12/2025-4/13/2025

Mark Cuban Foundation AI Bootcamps Deadline: 9/30/2024 Event dates: 11/2,11/9 and 11/16/2024

From the Top Learning and Media Lab Fellowship – for young musicians Deadline: 11/15/2024

Thrive Scholars OnRamp / 6-Year Programs - Deadline: 12/15/2024 Event date: Onboarding April-June 2025

George C. Marshall Ethical Leadership Conferences Event dates: 10/30/2024, 2/7-2/8/2025, or 4/25-4/26/2025

2024 Venture into Volunteering Fair Event date: 11/3/2024

High School Diplomats – Free, eight-day program at UVA for 20 US student and 20 Japanese students. Deadline: 1/15/2024 Event dates: July 2025

Turn Up Youth Activism Remote Internship - Event date: Rolling admission, apply anytime

University of Virginia School of Architecture Prospective Student Event dates: multiple dates for On-Site Tours and Virtual Student Conversations

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.


2025 Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs Scholarship Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 9/30/2024

Universal Technical Institute Academic Excellence Grant Amount: $3000 Deadline: 9/30/2024

Voice Of Democracy Scholarship Amount: $35,000 Deadline: 10/31/2024

American Culinary Federation Education Foundation Scholarship Amount: $2500 Deadline: 10/31/2024

National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) Amount: Varies Deadline: 11/12/2024

The Coolidge Scholarship Amount: Full Ride Scholarship Deadline: 12/11/2024

Anthony Richard Tilghman Memorial Scholarship Application in Naviance. 3/1/2025

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.


Oct 11, 2024 - AppLab, Financial Aid Night Presentation, Admissions Blog, HBCU Fair Field Trip, Sophomore College Night Nov 13

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Oct 20 – FCPS College Fair @ George Mason University, 4:00 – 7:00 pm – Go here for more information and to register in advance. 

Oct 21 – 22 - FCPS Postsecondary Event (virtual) – more details here

Nov 7 - T. Edison HS HBCU Fair Field Trip - fill out this HBCU Fair Field Trip Interest Form to receive the forms or stop by the Career Center (G110) to pick them up. 

Nov 8-9 - 22nd Annual Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival, The St. James, Springfield, Reserve free tickets here

Nov 13 - Sophomore College Night/College 101 - 7 pm, Lecture Hall - mark your calendar! More details coming soon.

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military - sign up here.

News & Information

Feature: College Admissions Blog Post - Check out this blog post from Georgia Tech - Preparing Your College Application: You Are Asking the Wrong Questions. This is good information and advice no matter what grade level you are in high school. After reading it, be sure to check out the other posts. The Georgia Tech Admission Blog is a great example of timely, thoughtful advice from top admissions professionals. Many schools have admissions blogs - be sure to take a look at a few different ones to see the latest from admissions offices.

The FCPS Region 5 Financial Aid Night was held on Thursday, October 10 at Woodson High School. For those who weren’t able to attend, the presentation is available on the school website here. It is very comprehensive - with detailed information on all aspects of the financial aid process. Please take a look - and save it for future reference. 

AppLab - Seniors: Need help with your college applications or just need time to work on them? Attend one of the upcoming AppLabs. We will have resources and support available, whether you’re finalizing your list or ready to submit! There are 6  sessions available during FLEX and after school! Schedule: During FLEX, 10:30-11:15 am: Oct 17, 23 and 29; After School, 3:00-3:45 pm: Oct 17, 21, 24. Sign up here. Don’t see a time that works? Reach out to Ms. Cudahy (@email) directly.


WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.


Week of October 15-18

Alvernia University - Tues, Oct 15, 9:00 am

SDTech/Engineering - Tues, Oct 15, 9:45 am

Christopher Newport University - Thurs, Oct 17, 9:45 am

Northern Virginia Community College - Thurs, Oct 17, 10:30 am

The Catholic University of America - Thurs, Oct 17, 10:30 am

Washington College - Thurs, Oct 17, 1:30 pm

Centre College - Fri, Oct 18, 9:00 am

Hampden-Sydney College - Fri, Oct 18, 9:45 am


Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Internships, Volunteer, Academic) 

SuitUp with Kaiser Permanente Business Competition Event location is still TBD, event date 12/4/2024 (Program is limited to 25 students)

LEDA Scholars Deadline: 12/11/2024 

Rosetta Institute Biomedical Research Winter Workshop Event dates: 12/26-12/30/2024

Advanced Law & Trial Internship Summit Event dates: 7/13-7/18/2025

Herralink Community Service Events Event dates: Weekly volunteer opportunities

ACEOnline Ongoing self-paced classes


Enrichment Programs (College/College Prep Focus)

Ram Session: Metro DC Event date: 10/15/2024

Wellesley College’s Leadership Series Event date: 10/20/2024

Ask Us Anything: College Applications from The Coalition for College Event date: 10/24/2024

U.S. Naval Academy Candidate Information Session Event date: 10/28/2024

Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation Prospective Student Tour Event dates: 11/8 & 12/10

Towson Academic Open House Event date: 11/11/2024

Explore JMU: Academic Open Houses Event date: 11/16/2024

Latinos@UVA College Application Review Deadline: 12/9/2024 Event date: Ongoing till deadline

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.


Community Scholars | Chick-fil-A Deadline: 10/30/2024 Amount: Up to $25,000

Stephen J Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 11/5/2024

College Scholarship Program - Jack Kent Cooke Foundation (   Deadline: 11/14/2024 Amount: Up to $55,000

The James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photojournalists Scholarship Deadline: 11/15/2024 Amount: $2,500 / Digital SLR Cameras

Barbara Lotze Scholarship Deadline: 12/1/2024 Amount: $3,000

Lamber Goodnow College Scholarship Deadline: 12/1/2024 Amount: $1,000

Visionary Scholarship Deadline: 12/2/2024 Amount: Up to $2,500

Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 1/30/2025

FOSSI Scholarship  Deadline: 1/31/2025 Amount: $40,000

Civitan Club of Fairfax Scholarship  Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

Akerson Family Foundation Scholarship   Deadline:3/17/2025  Amount: $50,000

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.


Oct 21, 2024 - FCPS Postsecondary Virtual Event and WHS College Visits

FCPS Postsecondary Virtual Event – Mon, Oct 21 and Tues, Oct 22


Check out this two-night postsecondary virtual event to be held on Monday, October 21, and Tuesday, October 22, 5-8 p.m. Many helpful, informative sessions to help you plan for life after high school! Additional details and the links to the FCPS Postsecondary Virtual Events


Postsecondary Virtual Event Schedule:

Monday, October 21

5 pm – Paying for College, Exploring Naviance Student

6 pm – Considerations for Students with Disabilities in High School vs College, AP, Dual Enrollment and IB in FCPS

7 pm – Standardized Testing in the College Process


Tuesday, October 22

5 pm – Scholarship 101; NOVA: The Community College Option

6 pm – Are You CommonApp Ready?; NOVA: La Opcion del Colegio Comunitario

7 pm – NOVA: Certificates & Workforce Development Programs

 WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.


 Week of October 21-25, 2024

The University of Tennessee - Mon, Oct 21, 9 am

Virginia Tech - Mon, Oct 21, 11:15 - Auditorium - please note the time/location change

St. Mary’s College of Maryland - Mon, Oct 21, 1:30 pm

Michigan State University - Tues, Oct 22, 9 am

Marymount University - Tues, Oct 22, 10:30 am

University of Maryland-College Park - Tues, Oct 22, 1:30 pm

Towson University - Weds, Oct 23, 10:30 am

Franklin and Marshall College - Weds, Oct 23, 1:30 pm

College of Charleston - Thurs, Oct 24, 9:45 am

University of Michigan - Thurs, Oct 24, 10:30 am

Bentley University - Thurs, Oct 24, 1:30 pm

Moravian University - Fri, Oct 25, 9 am

George Mason University - Fri, Oct 25, 10:30 am


Oct 25, 2024 - Sophomore College Night Nov 13, Free College Prep Workshop at GMU

WHS College and Career News / October 25, 2024

In this issue: Sophomore College Night Nov 13, Free College Prep Workshop at GMU

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Nov 8-9 - 22nd Annual Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival, The St. James, Springfield, Reserve free tickets here

Nov 13 - Sophomore College Night/College 101 - 7 pm, Lecture Hall - mark your calendar! More details below!

Nov 18 - NOVA Info Session, 10:30 am - sign up in Naviance. Open to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. 

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military - sign up here.

News & Information

College 101 - A workshop for 10th grade students and families - November 12th, 13th & 20th – 7 pm, Presented by Dante Evans, Assistant Director of Admissions, UNC-Greensboro

Junior families are welcome if you missed this program last year!


Learn how college admissions offices make decisions and what colleges look for in an applicant. Mr. Evans’ insights will provide a roadmap to college for students and their families and take some of the stress out of the college admissions process. Don’t miss out on this informative presentation!

Three nights to choose from:

Tuesday, November 12 – in person at Lake Braddock SS

Wednesday, November 13 – in person at Westfield HS

Wednesday, November 20 – virtual (hosted by Centreville HS) – link to join coming soon


Please contact Ms. Cudahy at [email protected] with questions

FEATURED COLLEGE EVENT! Access to Excellence Seminar at George Mason University - November 11, 10 am - 12:30 pm - College planning got you stressed out? Attend this free in-person college prep workshop at GMU. Topics include different ways to pay for college, what to expect when the FAFSA opens, and best practices for connecting your interests to your future major and career.

Event will include: Financial Aid Workshop, Career Exploration workshop, “Ask the Dean” Parent Session with the Dean of Admissions, Lunch, Optional Campus Tour

AppLab - Seniors: Need help with your college applications or just need time to work on them? Attend one of the upcoming AppLabs. We will have resources and support available, whether you’re finalizing your list or ready to submit! There are 6  sessions available during FLEX and after school! Schedule: During FLEX, 10:30-11:15 am: Oct 29; After School, 3:00-3:45 pm: Oct 28. Sign up here. Don’t see a time that works? Reach out to Ms. Cudahy (@email) directly.

HBCU Festival 2024 - Fri, Nov 8 and Sat, Nov 9, The St. James, Industrial Road, Springfield - Alfred Street Baptist Church invites you to the country’s most exciting and largest HBCU Festival. Top 5 reasons to attend: 1. Apply onsite and receive same-day admissions decisions 2. Opportunities to receive scholarships 3. Fun & informative HBCU seminars 4. Engage with HBCU reps and find out why you should attend an HBCU 5. It’s free. Reserve your tickets here

WHS College Visits

College admissions representatives will visit Westfield through the end of October. All 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can register to attend. Students sign up for these visits through Naviance. Additional information and instructions are in the Student Services Schoology Course.


Week of October 28-31

Elizabethtown College - Mon, Oct 29, 10:30 am

York College of Pennsylvania - Mon, Oct 29, 1:30 pm

Kenyon College - Weds, Oct 31, 

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Internships, Volunteer, Academic, Contests) 

Mock Crime Scene Workshop at Waynesburg University (listed under “Specialty Visit Options”) Event dates: 11/9/2024 and 3/15/2025

Explore Design Futures Virtual Session Virtual UVA Architecture School Career Panel Event date: 11/13/2024, 7 pm

IFoRE (International forum on Research Excellence) Event date: 11/14-11/17/2024

Chemistry for the Future at Waynesburg University (Event date: 12/5/2024)

LEDA Scholars Deadline: 12/11/2024

Scholastic Art and Writing Awards Deadline: 1/7/2025

MyImpact Challenge by The Bill of Rights Institute Deadline: 5/18/2025

Virtual Academies by The Academies by Harvard Student Agencies Event dates: Varies by course

Gandomak Persian School Volunteering Opportunity for High School students Event dates: Multiple dates on Saturdays – for more information about the organization, go here.

International Leadership & Business Internship Event date: Four sessions across Summer 2025 

Enrichment Programs (College/College Prep Focus)

VSU Fall Open House Event date: 11/9/2024

Smith College 2024 Fall Open House Event date: 11/11/2024

Access to Excellence Seminar – at George Mason University (more info above) Event date: 11/11/2024

Explore JMU: Academic Open Houses Event date: 11/16/2024

SCAD Day Event date: 12/2/2024, 1/18/2025

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.


Toyota Scholarship Program  Amount: $7500 Deadline: 10/31/2024

Claes Nobel Academic Excellence Scholarship Amount: Up to $5000 Deadline: 10/31/2024

Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship Amount: Up to $7500 Deadline: 11/12/2024

Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship Program  Amount: Up to $55,000 Deadline: 11/14/2024

Defense Intelligence Agency Louis STOKES Education Scholarship Amount: Up to $55,000  Deadline: 11/14/2024

Dell Scholars Program Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 12/1/2024

Burger King Scholars Program Amount: Varies Deadline: 12/16/2024

The following scholarships are all through College Access Fairfax:

The Bloomquist Family Scholarship Amount: $6000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Bowe Family Scholarship Amount: $2500 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Crayons to Careers Scholarship Amount: Up to $2500 Deadline: 2/15/2025

Darla Ellis Memorial Scholarship Amount: $3000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

Fannie Berliss Rosenbaum and Joseph Rosenbaum Scholarship Amount: $5000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The James H. Dillard II Scholarship Amount: $2000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Kendrick "New Trajectory 2-4-6-8" Scholarship Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Leslie Kent Memorial Scholarship Amount: $2500 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The LimKim Dreamers Scholarship Amount: $1000  Deadline: 2/15/2025

Michael Marshall Fund Scholarship Amount: $5000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Sharifa Alkhateeb Memorial Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Tim Cohn Scholarship Amount: $4000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Vishnu Murthy Memorial Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The John D'Elia Community College Scholarship Amount: $3000 Deadline:  5/31/2025



Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.




Oct 31, 2024 - NOVA Early Online College-Free College Classes!, Steamfitters Apprenticeship, Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Event, Moving on to Life in the Community Fair

WHS College and Career News / October 31, 2024

In this issue: NOVA Early Online College-Free College Classes!, Steamfitters Apprenticeship, Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Event, Moving on to Life in the Community Fair

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Nov 1 - Steamfitters Apprenticeship Application Opens - details below

Nov 7 - NOVA Early Online College Virtual Info Session - program details and registration link below

Nov 8-9 - 22nd Annual Alfred Street Baptist Church HBCU Festival, The St. James, Springfield, Reserve free tickets here

Nov 13 - Sophomore College Night/College 101 - 7 pm, Lecture Hall - mark your calendar! More details below!

Nov 18 - NOVA Info Session, 10:30 am - sign up in Naviance. Open to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. 

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military - sign up here.

Nov 20 - Apprenticeship / Career Education Fair - all lunches! Details coming next week - Mark your calendar! 

News & Information

College 101 - A workshop for 10th grade students and families - November 12th, 13th & 20th – 7 pm, Presented by Dante Evans, Assistant Director of Admissions, UNC-Greensboro

Junior families are welcome if you missed this program last year!

Learn how college admissions offices make decisions and what colleges look for in an applicant. Mr. Evans’ insights will provide a roadmap to college for students and their families and take some of the stress out of the college admissions process. Don’t miss out on this informative presentation!

Three nights to choose from:

Tuesday, November 12 – in person at Lake Braddock SS

Wednesday, November 13 – in person at Westfield HS

Wednesday, November 20 – virtual (hosted by Centreville HS) – link to join coming soon

Please contact Ms. Cudahy at [email protected] with questions

Steamfitters Apprenticeship Program / Application Process - Application opens Nov 1 - A Steamfitter is a person who fabricates, installs, and services piping systems. They work in the fields of pipefitting, welding, heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration. The Apprenticeship program is a five-year training program. Apprentices are assigned a union contractor and work on assigned work sites, generally 40 hours a week, and take training classes. Apprentices are paid for hours worked on the job site. Additional information and a link to the application can be found here

The 2024 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Social - In person event is on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6-7:30pm @ Amazon’s HQ2 in Crystal City.  Earlier this year, Amazon awarded 46 winners from across DC, MD, and VA, and hopes to have an even bigger group of winners in 2025 by encouraging applications from as many local high school seniors as possible. Students must demonstrate financial need to qualify. Interested guests must register, as names must be shared with security in advance.  They will not be able to accommodate walk-ins. Register here.


Moving on to Life in the Community Resource Fair! - This event is designed for students with developmental and intellectual disabilities who will need continuing support after they exit FCPS. Each fall, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB), and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) sponsor Moving on to Life in the Community: A Resource Fair. This event is designed for students with disabilities and their families to speak to adult agency and vendor representatives to gather information about available services for adults in need of ongoing support once they transition from FCPS. Agency representatives will be available to share information on adult service providers, employment and training programs, Medicaid, Social Security, residential options, and The Arc of Northern Virginia.

When - Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Where - Fairfax High School Cafeteria, 3501 Lion Run, Fairfax

What - Exhibitor Fair


Learn about: supported employment options, day support programs, recreation/leisure activities, residential living options, travel training supports, advocacy, funding, and more!


Register online: 


NOVA’s Early Online College is back for the Spring 2025 Semester! NOVA Early Online College (EOC) allows current high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take up to 2 tuition free college courses. 14 different courses are being offered in the Spring 2025 semester. Courses are asynchronous, online, and for college credit only. These courses run for 12 weeks. EOC courses are selected because they meet the requirements for most of NOVA’s Associate degrees as well as being highly transferable as general education requirements for most colleges and universities. Students must meet eligibility requirements (GPA or available test scores) to take EOC courses.

Registration deadline - Weds, Jan 8, 2025, 5 pm

New Textbook Policy: Some EOC courses require a textbook. Students will be automatically enrolled in NOVA ALL ACCESS ($22.50 per credit hour). Students may make the payment for course materials in their myNOVA account or opt out and purchase the course materials on their own. Review details about NOVA All Access so students can make an informed decision.

Early Online College Information Session

Date: Thursday, November 7

Time: 6pm-7pm

Where: Zoom

Zoom Registration Link:


Planning your EOC Courses

Date: Wednesday, November 13

Time: 6pm-7pm

Where: Zoom

Zoom Registration Link:

 NOVA Site - Early Online College Information

Enrichment Programs – posted in Naviance

Naviance for enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Enrichment Programs (Internships, Volunteer, Academic, Contests) 

Kashmir World Foundation Student Internships Event date: Ongoing

YLN Youth Leadership Network Conference Event date: 11/16/2024

Multilingual Learners' Day of Service Event date: 11/16/2024

NOVA Fab Lab Design Challenge 2024 Deadline: 11/17/2024 Event date: 12/13/2024 


Enrichment Programs (College/College Prep Focus)

University of Cincinnati First Generation Preview and Tour Event date: 11/4/2024

Virtual UCLA Information Session Event date: 11/6/2024

Learning Lab: Student Access Services and Hofstra's Program for Academic Learning Skills (PALS) Event date: 11/8/2024

FIT Portfolio Preview Days Event dates: 11/10 & 12/14/2024

Univ of Mary Washington NOVA Regional Admission Reception Event date: 11/13/2024

Norfolk State University Fall Open House Event date: 11/16/2024

Virtual Visit WashU Undergraduate Admissions Event date: Ongoing 

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

All scholarships posted in Naviance have been reviewed by FCPS and are a great place to start your scholarship search. Students can search using different filters – including demographics, academics, student interests, and requirements - but a review of all scholarships is recommended so that you don’t miss any opportunities. Plan to check for new scholarships weekly.


Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Amount: $10,000 (for up to 4 years) Deadline: 12/19/2024 (see info above about related event)

David W. Martin Accident & Injury Lawyers Scholarship Amount: $500 Deadline: 12/14/2024

Future Food Scholarship Program Amount: Up to a full ride; $5000 scholarships also available Deadline: 1/15/2025

Check Naviance for scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.


Nov. 8, 2024 - WHS Career Education Fair, NOVA Info Session, College 101, and ASVAB Testing, FAFSA Virtual Workshops

WHS College and Career News / November 8, 2024

In this issue: WHS Career Education Fair, NOVA Info Session, College 101, and ASVAB Testing, FAFSA Virtual Workshops

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Nov 12 - FAFSA Line by Line virtual workshop, 7pm – join here

Nov 13 - College 101 Night - 7 pm, Lecture Hall - mark your calendar! More details below!

Nov 16 - FAFSA Line by Line virtual workshop, 7pm – join here

Nov 18 - NOVA Info Session, 10:30 am - sign up in Naviance. Open to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. 

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military or career exploration - sign up here.

Nov 20 - Career Education Fair - all lunches! Details below.

News & Information

New Event! - WHS Career Education Fair - Wednesday, November 20 during all lunches - learn about a variety of ways to prepare for your future through career certifications, training programs, and apprenticeships. This event will feature opportunities for both underclass students and seniors who will be moving on to what’s next! Attending - FCPS Chantilly and Fairfax Academies, FCPS Adult and Community Education (Apprenticeships, Healthcare Certificate Programs, IT, Business), Northern Virginia Community College, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, and military reps. 

NOVA Information Session - Monday, November 18, 10:30 am - sign up in NavianceMeet Westfield’s NOVA Advisor Ms. Liquid and learn about NOVA’s degree programs, cost of attendance, application requirements and more! After the session, she will be available in the cafeteria during all lunches if you need additional information or have any questions!

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test will be administered at Westfield on Tuesday, November 19. Any student 16+ is eligible to take it. In addition to serving as the military entrance exam, the ASVAB, combined with a career interest assessment, is a great tool for exploring careers that might be a good fit. There will be a follow-up workshop for any student who wants to use it for this purpose. Sign up here.

College 101 - A workshop for 10th grade students and families - November 12th, 13th & 20th – 7 pm, Presented by Dante Evans, Assistant Director of Admissions, UNC-Greensboro - While this presentation is geared to sophomores and families, all grade levels are welcome to attend. Learn how college admissions offices make decisions and what colleges look for in an applicant. Mr. Evans’ insights will provide a roadmap to college for students and their families and take some of the stress out of the college admissions process. Don’t miss out on this informative presentation!

Three nights to choose from:

Tuesday, November 12 – in person at Lake Braddock SS

Wednesday, November 13 – in person at Westfield HS

Wednesday, November 20 – virtual (hosted by Centreville HS) – join zoom here

Please contact Ms. Cudahy at [email protected] with questions


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

For enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.






Nov. 15, 2024 - New Scholarship, Internship and Volunteer Opportunities; Career Education Fair on Weds, Nov 20, William and Mary Student Presentation and more!

WHS College and Career News / November 15, 2024

In this issue: New Scholarship, Internship and Volunteer Opportunities; Career Education Fair on Weds, Nov 20, William and Mary Student Presentation and more!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Nov 16 - FAFSA Line by Line virtual workshop, 7pm – join here

Nov 18 - NOVA Info Session, 10:30 am - sign up in Naviance. Open to 10th, 11th and 12th grade students. 

Nov 19 - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Test, 8:30 am, Lecture Hall - for students 16+ interested in the military or career exploration - sign up here.

Nov 20 - Career Education Fair - all lunches! Details below.

Nov 20 - Virtual College 101 Night, 7 pm - hosted by Centreville HS - details and link below

Nov 26 - Westfield Alum and Current William & Mary Student Oscar Lazo Q&A Home for the Holidays Program, 10:30 am - all grades welcome! - Sign up here. (more details below)


News & Information

Featured Resource: High School Counselor Week is a weekly online newsletter with features about college admissions and  sections for parents, columns & blogs, and links to relevant articles. This week’s edition includes How to Handle Conflicting Admissions Opinions for parents, Extracurriculars - What Counts from the Tufts University Admissions Office, and much more. This is a helpful resource that does some of your research for you - and shares important, timely information.

New Event! - WHS Career Education Fair - Wednesday, November 20 during all lunches - learn about a variety of ways to prepare for your future through career certifications, training programs, and apprenticeships. This event will feature opportunities for both underclass students and seniors who will be moving on to what’s next! Attending - FCPS Chantilly and Fairfax Academies, FCPS Adult and Community Education (Apprenticeships, Healthcare Certificate Programs, IT, Business), Northern Virginia Community College, Fairfax County Fire and Rescue, and military reps. 

College 101 (Virtual) - A workshop for 10th grade students and families - November 20th – 7 pm, Presented by Dante Evans, Assistant Director of Admissions, UNC-Greensboro - Learn how college admissions offices make decisions and what colleges look for in an applicant. Mr. Evans’ insights will provide a roadmap to college for students and their families and take some of the stress out of the college admissions process. Don’t miss out on this informative presentation! Join zoom here

Join Westfield Alum and Current William and Mary Senior Oscar Lazo for Home for the Holidays - Tues, Nov 26 at 10:30 am in the Career Center. Oscar will graduate this spring with his bachelor’s in Government and Hispanic Studies. In addition, he works with the Office of Admissions as a Senior Interviewer. The Home for the Holidays program is a presentation about the admissions process and the Liberal Arts experience which is unique to W&M. Sign up here.


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Friends of SJCS-VA: Food Delivery Volunteer – in Annandale - Event date: Wednesdays in Nov and Dec 2024

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Q&A Session Event date: 11/21/2024

Sports Industry Networking & Career (SINC) Conference at George Washington University, Event date: 2/21-2/22/2025

Smithsonian Internship Opportunities Event dates: Summer 2025 (various deadlines; if interested, bookmark and check back regularly for new opportunities

USC Summer Programs Virtual Information Session I Event date: 1/14/2025

USC Summer Programs Virtual Information Session II Event date: 2/11/2025

USC Summer Programs by USC Pre-College Deadline: 5/2/2025 Event dates: 6/15-7/12/2025

For enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.


Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Hagan Scholarship Amount: Up to $7,500 Deadline: 12/1/2024

Carson Scholarship Amount: $1000 Deadline: 12/11/2024

Breanna Coleman Memorial Nursing Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 1/24/2025

"Broad Horizons" Scholarship  Amount: $1000 Deadline: 1/31/2025

The Dream.US Scholarship Amount: Up to $33,000 Deadline: 2/28/2025

Alpha Phi Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter Ira Dorsey HBCU Scholarship Amount: Varies Deadline: 4/13/2025

Silent Servant Scholarship Award Amount: $595 Deadline: 5/11/2025

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.

Nov. 22, 2024 - Financial Aid Resource, Two-Night Virtual Postsecondary Event Recordings, College 101 Presentation Slides, and many new scholarships and enrichment opportunities!

WHS College and Career News / November 22, 2024

In this issue: Financial Aid Resource, Two-Night Virtual Postsecondary Event Recordings, College 101 Presentation Slides, and many new scholarships and enrichment opportunities!

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Nov 26 - Westfield Alum and Current William & Mary Student Oscar Lazo Q&A Home for the Holidays Program, 10:30 am - all grades welcome! - Sign up here. (more details below)

Dec 3 & 9 - AppLabs - sign up here for help with your college applications - CommonApp basics, essays, activities, application process (transcript request, consent forms).

Dec 5 & 6 - Sophomore College and Career Information Session with School Counselors - through English 10 classes

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

News & Information

Seniors - The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is Now Open! College Access Fairfax is where to go for all FAFSA and Financial Aid resources, workshops (including slides/recordings from previous workshops), appointments for one-on-one help, and more! College Access Fairfax is an FCPS partner whose mission is to help Fairfax County families get as much money as possible for their postsecondary plan. Please check out their resources and bookmark this site. More financial aid and scholarship information coming soon. Stay tuned.

Two-Night Virtual PostSecondary Event Recordings -  Check out the recorded sessions from the  FCPS Virtual Postsecondary Night Workshops - Pick a few to watch! Paying for College - Exploring Naviance  - Are You Common App Ready? - Standardized Testing in the College Process - AP and Dual Enrollment - Scholarship 101 - Considerations for Student with Disabilities in High School vs College - NOVA The Community College Option (English and Spanish sessions) - NOVA Certificate and Workforce Development Programs.

College 101 (Virtual) - A workshop for 10th grade students and families - November 20th – 7 pm, Presented by Dante Evans, Assistant Director of Admissions, UNC-Greensboro - if you missed either the in-person or virtual presentation, the slides will be posted here


Join Westfield Alum and Current William and Mary Senior Oscar Lazo for Home for the Holidays - Tues, Nov 26 at 10:30 am in the Career Center. Oscar will graduate this spring with his bachelor’s in Government and Hispanic Studies. In addition, he works with the Office of Admissions as a Senior Interviewer. The Home for the Holidays program is a presentation about the admissions process and the Liberal Arts experience which is unique to W&M. Sign up here.


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Wilderness Adventures 2025 Event date: June-August 2025

I3 Competition Deadline: 12/18/2024

Health Career Scholars Academy Deadline: 2/25/2025 Event date: 6/29-7/26/2025

2025 BMAG Art Submission Deadline: None, currently accepting submissions.

Givology Internships Deadline: Rolling admissions

High School Scientific Training and Enrichment Program (HiSTEP) Webinar Deadline: Admission to program closes 1/8/2025 Event date: 11/21/2024

Telluride Association Summer Seminar (TASS) Event date: 6/22-7/26/2025

Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological & Scientific Olympics ( ACT-SO) Deadline: 1/9/2025 Event date: 4/26/2025

CIEE Global Navigator Virtual Fair Event date: 11/18-11/21/2024

The Earth Prize Competition Deadline: 11/31/2024 (to register) Event date: 1/31/2025

Hairdresser Strong Shadow Program Event dates: Ongoing

Veterinary Medical Career Fair & Information Sessions Event dates: Online library of previous webinars on how to apply

Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Information Sessions and Tours Event dates: In-person dates in Spring 2025, virtual on most Wednesdays

Germanna Community College/ Virginia Works Apprentice Hiring Fair Event dates: 11/21-11/22/2024

Entrada Scholars Program College Access Programs Deadline: Application opens 12/1/2024 Event dates: 7/6-7/30/2025

Pathways for Future Engineers at Virginia Tech Recruiting Reception (Website is for program, not for individual event) Event date: 11/22/2024

Rustic Pathways  Event date: Varies by program

The Future of Hiring: AI’s Role in Talent Sourcing and Acquisition  Event date: 12/3/2024

Fairfax County Park Authority Volunteering Opportunities Event date: Ongoing

FCPS IT High School Internship Deadline: 12/2/2024 Event dates: 1/2025-6/2025

Portfolio Days at FIT Event date: 12/14/2024

Northwestern National High School Institute Deadlines: 2/27/2025 for Theatre Arts 3/14/2025 for Film and Video  Event dates: Summer 2025

Hacking a Career in Space Exploration  Event date: 12/5/2024

Summer in The Heights at John Carroll Deadline: 3/15/2025 Event dates: 7/13-7/18/2025

Bank of America Student Leaders® program Deadline: 1/15/2025 Event dates: Summer 2025

Carnegie Mellon University Pre-College Programs Deadline: 3/1/2025

FCPS IT Career Academy (Student) Event date: Ongoing

Discover NOVA Information Session Event date: 12/12/2024

For enrichment and volunteer opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.


Scholarships – posted in Naviance

L. Patrick Laing Memorial Scholarship Amount: Up to $2,000 *New Deadline* 4/10/2025

Generation Hope Scholarship Amount: Up to $2,400 Deadline: 4/1/2025

Science Ambassador Scholarship Amount: $20,000 Deadline: 12/16/2024

Penguin Random House Creative Writing Awards Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 1/15/2025 (Or first 1000 applicants received)

Equitable Excellence Scholarship® Program Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 12/18/2024

2025 Davidson Fellows Scholarship Amount: Up to $50,000 Deadline: 2/12/2025

NVADACA Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 2/28/2025

DataSetGo Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 4/15/2025

Credit Worthy Scholarship Contest Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 1/15/2025

Account Careers National Scholarship  Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 4/15/2025

Financial Futures Tax Simulation Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 1/12/2025

FutureSmart Scholarship Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 1/13/2025

BrandSource Scholars Amount: Up to $12,000 Deadline: No deadline

10X Digital Marketing Scholarship Amount: $4,000 Deadline: 12/1/2024

Asian Leadership Alliance Scholarship **  Updated application link!!** Amount: $1,000 Deadline 3/21/2025

National Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship  Amount: Up to $10,000 Deadline: 1/15/2025

Centreville Moose Lodge #2168 Scholarship   Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 4/5/2025

Princeton Prize in Race Relations Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 1/31/2025

Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 12/31/2024

William A. March Education Trust Scholarship Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 1/20/2025

Mensa Foundation Scholarship Amount:  $2,500 Deadline: 1/15/2025

Fred J. Epstein Youth Achievement Awards Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 1/15/2025

Morgan Law Group Scholarship  Amount: $1,500 Deadline: 1/31/2025 


For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.

Dec. 6, 2024 - FCPS IT Coursera Career Academy - Free Courses and Certifications!, NOVA Application Workshop, AppLab, Many Enrichment and Scholarship Opps

WHS College and Career News / December 6, 2024

In this issue: FCPS IT Coursera Career Academy - Free Courses and Certifications!, NOVA Application Workshop, AppLab, Many Enrichment and Scholarship Opps

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Dec 9 - AppLab, 10:30 am - sign up here for help with your college applications - CommonApp basics, essays, activities, application process (transcript request, consent forms).

Jan 23 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Lecture Hall - first of two NOVA Application workshops offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

News & Information

AmeriCorps NCCC Virtual Info Session: Considering a Gap Year - a year of service, volunteering or learning between high school and college? AmeriCorps NCCC is a great option. You gain valuable experience and earn tuition credits for college! Check out this interactive webinar about our program options, benefits, and requirements. They can help you decide if NCCC is the right fit for you! AmeriCorps NCCC: A to Z - Virtual, December 10, 4 pm. 

Check out the FCPS IT Coursera Career Academy, an optional program providing interested students with no-cost access to over 30 industry-recognized courses and certifications in high-demand fields such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, data analytics, and more. It’s a fantastic way for students to explore career pathways and build valuable skills for their future.

For more information about the program, please visit IT Coursera Career Academy.


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

AmeriCorps NCCC: A to Z Event date: 12/10/2024

Joint USMA/USNA Admissions Event  Event date: 12/11/2024

APCPD Virtual Fair Event date: 12/11/2024

2025 IYNA-Alzheimer's Association Ideathon Deadline: 12/15/2024 Event dates: 1/11-1/25/2025

Shark Tank Tech Challenge Deadline: 12/20/2024 Event date: 4/1/2025

High School Diplomats Deadline: 1/15/2025 Event date: 7/24-8/2/2025

Youth Leadership Summit Event date: 1/20/2025

School2Lab Initiative Deadline: 2/1/2025 Event dates: 6/16-8/11/2025

Youth Leadership Program (YLP) Deadline: 2/3/2025 Event dates: 6/19-6/27/2025

Iacocca Global Entrepreneurship Intensive (IGEI) Deadline: 2/14/2025 Event date: 7/6-8/1/2025

The School for Ethics and Global Leadership Summer Institute Deadline: 2/15/2025 Event dates: 7/15-8/10/2025

Young Writers Residential Workshops Deadline: 3/1/2025 Event dates: Session I: 6/22-7/5/2025 Session II: 7/13-7/25/2025

Air Force LEGACY Craftsman Camp Deadline: 3/17/2025 Event date: July 2025

Young Writers Summer Online Workshops Deadline: 4/14/2025 Event dates: 6/15-6/20/2025

Young Filmmakers Workshop Deadline: 6/1/2025 Event dates: 6/22-6/27/2025

Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research Summer Online Workshops Event date: Varies by program

Herralink Volunteer Opportunities Event dates: Weekly volunteer activities to sign up

Youth Registered Apprenticeship Event dates: Ongoing

UVA Northern Virginia Inspire Summer Program Event dates: Varies depending on program

WIOA Youth Programs  Event date: Ongoing

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

UCB Myasthenia Gravis Scholarship Amount: $10,000 Deadline: 2/5/2025

Team DC LGBTQ+ Student Athlete Scholarship  Amount: Varies Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Ofinno Innovation Scholarship (New CAF Scholarship!) Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 2/15/2025

The Gloria Wille Bell & Carlos R. Bell Scholarship  Amount: Up to $80,000 Deadline: 3/1/2025

The Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship Amount: Up to $3,000 Deadline: 3/29/2025

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.



Dec. 13. 2024 - FCPS IT Coursera Career Academy - Free Courses and Certifications!, NOVA Application Workshop, AppLab, Many Enrichment and Scholarship Opps

WHS College and Career News / December 13, 2024

In this issue: FCPS IT Coursera Career Academy - Free Courses and Certifications!, NOVA Application Workshop, AppLab, Many Enrichment and Scholarship Opps

You can find many tools for college and career exploration in Naviance, the FCPS platform for post-secondary planning. In addition, the Student Services Schoology Course will have grade-level resources, college and career information, wellness resources, and more. 

Mark Your Calendar:

Jan 23 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Lecture Hall - first of two NOVA Application workshops offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 1 - HBCU Fair, 10 am - 1 pm, Tuscarora High School in Loudoun County

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.

News & Information

VCUarts Virtual Information Session- Wednesday, December 18, 4-5 pm. Join a group of current and future VCUarts students and get details about the VCUarts experience. Join them for an in-depth virtual information session to learn more about their programs of study, life in Richmond, the application process, and the many opportunities available at VCUarts. Reserve your spot today!

FCPS School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at George C. Marshall High School from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.  This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities.  The evening will begin with a presentation in the auditorium from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Immediately following, the program fair will be held in the cafeteria from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., with representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities.  Students and their families are invited to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.  Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event. For more information, visit: USA Gap Year Fairs or contact Pamela White, Postsecondary Special Projects Liaison, at [email protected] or 571-393-1102.

Check out the free Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology (BLAST) program designed to provide Virginia’s 8th and 9th grade students with hands-on STEM experiences. Over the course of three days in the summer, participants will stay on college campuses and engage in dynamic STEM activities, with no prior experience required! Application is open now through February 1. Get additional  information, access to the online application, and more here:

2025 BLAST Session Dates: William & Mary - June 22-25, Virginia Tech - July 20-23, Radford University - July 20-23, Old Dominion University - July 27-30, University of Virginia - July 30-August 2


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Carnegie Mellon Pre-College Program Online Discover Sessions  - various programs and session dates, beginning 12/17

NOVEC Youth Tour Deadline: 1/1/2025 Event dates: 6/16-6/20/2025

Stevens Trading Day Competition Deadline: 1/20/2025 Event dates: 2/1-2/28/2025

Leadership Seminars University of Notre Dame Deadline: 1/22/2025 Event dates: 7/21-7/30/2025

Penn Medicine Summer Program Deadline: 2/27/2025 Event dates: 6/29-7/25/2025

High School Summer Academy Deadline: 4/20/2025 Event date: Varies by program

Summer Scholars University of Notre Dame Event dates: Session I: 6/7-6/21/2025 Session II: 6/28-7/12/2025

The POLARIS Pre-College Program Deadline: 6/7/2025 Event dates: 7/15-7/19/2025

Forensic Science Summer Camp Event dates: June and July 2025, dates TBA

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

Youthcon 2025 Scholarship  Amount: Up to $3,000 Deadline: 1/12/2025

National Capital Area Garden Clubs (NCAGC) Scholarship  Amount: $3,000 Deadline: 2/1/2025

Scholarships for Military Children Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 2/12/2025

George E. Allen Academic Scholarship  Amount: $2,000 Deadline: 3/7/2025

U.S. Air Force ROTC Scholarships Amount: Varies Deadline: 3/14/2025

AMS Freshman Undergraduate Scholarship Amount: $5,000 Deadline: 3/14/2025

Horatio Alger National Scholarship Amount: $25,000 Deadline: 3/15/2025

"A Bold Life" No-Essay Scholarship Amount: $500 Deadline: 3/30/2025 


For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.




Dec. 20, 2024 - Cybersecurity Internship Opportunity, Upcoming Events, Student Services Schoology Course Resources, New Scholarships and Enrichment Opportunities

WHS College and Career News / December 19, 2024

Happy Holidays!

In this issue: Cybersecurity Internship Opportunity, Upcoming Events, Student Services Schoology Course Resources, New Scholarships and Enrichment Opportunities

Wishing everyone in the Westfield HS community a relaxing and fun-filled winter break from the Westfield College & Career Center. It’s been a busy school year, and everyone deserves this time off.

If you do happen to be working on college applications, writing essays, completing the FAFSA, researching scholarships, trying to find a job, or doing some college or career investigating, I wanted to remind you of the resources and links in the Student Services Schoology Course that can help! See details below about where to find items in the course.

And, finally, there are MANY scholarships and enrichment opportunities in Naviance! There are too many to list here, but lots of great programs and scholarships.

Mark Your Calendar:

Jan 23 - NOVA Application Workshop, 10 am - Lecture Hall - first of two NOVA Application workshops offered at Westfield. Sign up here

Jan 28 - FCPS Gap Year Fair, 6 - 8:30 pm - Marshall High School, registration open - register here. And find more information about Gap Years here

Feb 1 - HBCU Fair, 10 am - 1 pm, Tuscarora High School in Loudoun County

Feb 11 - Westfield FAFSA Completion Event, 6:00-8:00 pm, Lecture Hall - find the details and additional FAFSA Completion Events in Fairfax County here.


News and Information

CCI Summer 2025 Cybersecurity Internship Opportunity for HS Students

Children's Science Center

CCI Summer 2025‍ - The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) Internship was created to expand the cybersecurity talent pipeline by reaching high school students who are 17+ and interested in exploring cyber security as a possible career option. The internship includes professional skills training and placement with Northern Virginia cyber-related organizations to prepare them to enter the cyber workforce of the future. The internship includes a program stipend at the successful completion of the 7-week program and is open to rising high school seniors and rising first-year college/university students.

Need more info? Watch the CCI Information Session recording!

Student Services Schoology Folder

Senior Folder

  1. Start Here: Senior Year Checklists
  2. Senior Essentials: Transcripts, Consent Form, WHS Info, Testing Dates
  3. Counselor Recommendation Requests
  4. Applying to College
  5. Northern Virginia Community College
  6. Paying for College
  7. Post-Secondary Planning (Alternatives to 2- and 4-yr college)
  8. VA College Opportunities Guide and Workbook (in English and Spanish)

Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Folders

  1. News and Updates
  2. College Exploration: Finding Your Fit
  3. Post-Secondary Planning (Alternatives to 2- and 4-yr college)
  4. Career Exploration

College & Career Resources

  1. Service Learning
  2. Finding a Job
  3. Military Information
  4. Resources for Undocumented Students
  5. Career Clusters and Pathways Handout


Enrichment Programs and Scholarships – posted in Naviance

 Black College Institute 2025 - Rising Juniors Application Deadline: 3/21/2025 Event dates: 6/29-7/2/2025

Black College Institute 2025- Rising Seniors Application Deadline: 3/21/2025 Event dates: 6/15-6/18/2025 or 6/22-6/25/2025

U.S. Senate Page Program Deadline – varies by Senate office Event dates: Summer session I: 6/8-6/27/2025 Summer Session II: 7/6-8/1/2025

Dartmouth Precollege Online Program Event dates: Multi-length courses throughout the year

Clark University Summer Game Studio Event dates: 7/6-7/19/2025

For enrichment  opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Research Colleges > Enrichment Programs. Search by category, date, and location.

Scholarships – posted in Naviance

 #Nursing Scholarship Amount:$1,200 Deadline: 12/31/2024

American Fire Sprinkler Association- VA Chapter Scholarship Contest Amount: $1,000 Deadline: 1/1/2025

DECA Scholarships Amount: Varies on scholarship Deadline: 1/10/2025

Team DC Student-Athlete Scholarships Amount: $2,500 Deadline: 2/15/2025

Army Engineers Spouses' Club Nursing Scholarship, Geraldine Morris Award Amount: Varies Deadline: 2/28/2025

AFA Teen Alzheimer’s Awareness Scholarship Amount: Up to $5,000 Deadline: 3/1/2025

Apple FCU Education Foundation Scholarship Amount: $3,000 Deadline: 3/15/2025 

For scholarship opportunities vetted by FCPS. From the home page, go to Colleges > Scholarships & Money > Scholarship list.

DISCLAIMER: Scholarships offered by organizations other than Fairfax County are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or this school.