Transcript Requests

The process for obtaining school transcripts for current students or graduates.

Transcript Request Procedures (Westfield High School)

Current Students  

  1. Both, the student and a parent or guardian (if you are under 18), must complete and sign (hand signature) the  Consent for Release of Student Records Form (one time only). Once completed, email it back to the Transcript Processor.  (A scan or picture of the form is acceptable with the signature.)  Translated versions of the form in your preferred language are also available if needed.
  2. Complete one Westfield HS Transcript Request Form (one per college requested) The transcript requests must be submitted 15 school days prior to the application deadline in order to ensure mailing before that date. All request submitted after the deadline will not be guaranteed submission by the deadline. There are currently NO transcript fees for current students.
  • If you need to contact me, please see my information below.
  • The Seventh Semester grades will be sent automatically in mid-February when available.
  • The Final Transcript must be requested through the Senior Survey administered in the Spring.
  • To check the status of your transcripts:
    • Common Application colleges: log into your Common App Student Account.
    • Parchment/eDocs and Institutions that required transcripts to be mailed: log into your Naviance Student Account.
  • Unofficial Transcripts:  Need an Unofficial Transcript?  You can now download your unofficial transcript yourself directly from Student Vue/Parent Vue.  Go to Course History and press the blue Unofficial Transcript button.

Former Students Who Have Graduated or Left Within the Last Five Years

  1. Complete the Westfield HS Transcript Request Form (one for each request).
  2. Complete and sign (hand signature) the Consent for Release of Student Records Form. Once completed, email it back to the Transcript Processor.  (A scan or picture of the form is acceptable with the signature.)  Translated versions of the form in your preferred language are also available if needed.
  3. Submit payment: $5.00 fee paid in MySchoolBucks for each transcript request (if more than one, update the quantity to reflect the correct amount)
  • You must allow at least 30 days for processing and mailing transcripts.  We cannot guarantee transcript delivery by your deadlines and we are unable to submit them via email.
  • If you need to contact me, please see my information below.

Former Students Who Have Graduated Over Five (5) Years Ago


Additional questions:

Marlyn Adames

Transcript Assistant



Graduated More Than Five Years Ago?