World Languages

American Sign Language

ASL is a visual, spatial, gestural language

American Sign Language is used by Deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States and Canada. 

Westfield High School offers ASL Levels 1-4


  • Fun, engaging, and interactive lessons
  • Learn about the rich culture and history of American Deaf people
  • Opportunities for close interaction with the local Deaf Community
  • You can communicate with your mouth full, across a loud room or even under water!

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram   @ASL_WHS

Watch this video to learn more!

American Sign Language Honor Society

In ASL 3 you can apply for ASL Honor Society, a national organization that offers scholarships, volunteer opportunities and contests. Maintaining active memberships earns you an honor cord or medal for graduation.


KNOW - German has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union (far more than English, Spanish, or French).

THINK - German is the second most commonly used scientific language in the world.

EARN - The German economy ranks number one in Europe and number four worldwide.


Learn about Japanese language and culture in Japanese class!

Why You Should Take Japanese!

Most high schools don’t provide Japanese so take advantage of this opportunity!

  • You get to learn a new language!
    • J1 - AP Japanese (5 classes)
    • It’s a fun course to take while filling out your language credits!
  • No prior knowledge needed
  • You can make friends with similar interests
  • Learning a language helps with academic career
  • Japanese Honor Society students are available to tutor for those who need it
  • We’re the coolest language class at Westfield (not basic)
  • Not a lot of  homework assigned
  • Engaging coursework and fun projects
  • Opportunity to travel to Japan on the Japan trip!

Japanese Honor Society

If you make it far enough to take advanced Japanese (J3, J4 and AP) and have a 3.5 or higher GPA, then you can be part of JHS!

  • Fun Activities!
    • Japanese games
    • Movies
    • Nengajos
    • Rice ball event
    • Learn more about Japanese culture
  • Leadership opportunities
    • Promotional skills
    • Planning skills
    • Management skills
  • Volunteer Experience
    • Tutoring
    • Bake Sale
    • International Night
  • Looks good for colleges
  • Graduation Cords available


Choose Korean for your World Language elective!

Interested in K-Pop, K-drama, Korean culture?

Courses: Korean 1, 2, 3, 4

Korean 4 - Honors course qualifies students for the Seal of Biliteracy on their diploma

One of the most popular languages for Generation Z!

Why Korean? 

A thousand miles journey begins with a step.

A step toward Global citizenship.

Help you develop appreciation toward cultures that are different from you.

A practical language


  • Korean 1 - basic grammar and mastery of Korean Alphabet, Korean culture.
  • Korean 2 - Conversational dialogue, K-pop, K-drama, mastery of grammar
  • Korean 3 - Literacy attained with fluency, mastery of grammar, Korean history

Latin 1

Students learn basic language structures and essential elements of Latin pronunciation in order to be able to read simple passages in Latin. The relationship of English to Latin is emphasized in vocabulary building, word derivation, and meanings of prefixes and suffixes. Language structures and syntax are developed through the study of literary passages. The geography, history, government and the culture of the Roman Empire are studied. 

Course Units:

  • Unit 1: Family
  • Unit 2: Clothing
  • Unit 3: Foundational Mythology
  • Unit 4: Geography
  • Unit 5: Housing
  • Unit 6: Monarchy



French 1-4; AP French Language

French is the language of international relations

It is the official language of the UN, the EU, the International Olympic Committee, etc.

French is only 2nd to English for the number of countries where it has official status

32 countries, 275 million speakers

The French film industry is one of the largest in the world

Think of how many new movies you’ll have to watch!

French is the language of love! 💕

You already use French! Fun fact, the abbreviation R.S.V.P is short for répondez s’il vous plait (please respond)!

BONUS! Students who pass Level 3 can join French Honor Society to participate in French-oriented service and cultural projects!


French Club

French Club is open to ALL students, even if you don’t take French!

  • Cook and sample French cuisine (omelettes, croissants, etc.)
  • Explore the lifestyles of Francophone countries (Belgium, Burkina Faso, Monaco, etc.)
  • Listen to French music and watch French movies
  • Participate in crafts!



Spanish 1

¡Bienvenidos a Español 1!

Spanish 2

You will continue the study of Spanish by expanding meaningful expression in both speaking and writing. There are five main units in Spanish 2:

1.My Activities

2.My Home Life

3.Around Town/Travel

4.Health and Fitness

5.My Story

Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese!

Studies have shown that students with 2 years of studying Spanish or another world language score higher on their verbal scores on the ACT/SAT exams. - Source:

Spanish 3

¿Por qué tomar Español 3?

Continue to enrich your Spanish skills by learning more about culture, and more advanced grammar and vocabulary.

Learning Spanish can help you in any career path.

Spanish 3 prepares you for upper level courses, including Spanish 4 Honors, AP Spanish Language and Culture, and AP Spanish Literature.

You will be eligible to apply for membership to Spanish Honor Society after completing Spanish 3!

Spanish Clubs and Honor Societies

Spanish Honor Society provides members with opportunities to expand their experience with language and culture.  Members participate in service to the school and community.  Membership in Spanish Honor Society activities, events and leadership will help prepare you for college life and beyond!

Spanish Club is a fun way to meet new people and learn about Hispanic culture. Members participate in cultural activities and celebrations, games, food, crafts, and much more! The club is student centered and all who participate are encouraged to share ideas for future activities. We meet once a month.


Español para hispanohablantes 1 Spanish for Fluent Speakers 1

Este curso ofrece la oportunidad de fortalecer las habilidades básicas en lectura y escritura en español. Los estudiantes aprenden sobre las contribuciones hispanas al idioma inglés y la cultura estadounidense. También estudian sobre las principales figuras históricas y eventos de los países de habla hispana.

¡Si hablas espanol en casa, o si solo tus padres lo hablan pero lo entiendes, ésta es la clase para ti!

También se puede tomar un examen para ganar hasta 3 créditos de español; se dará en el otoño de 2022.

Credit Exam for World Languages

Carta para los padres

Español para hispanohablantes 2 Spanish for Fluent Speakers 2

Este curso continúa enfatizando la mejora de las habilidades de los estudiantes para hablar, leer y escribir en español. Los estudiantes leen y critican cuentos contemporáneos y hacen presentaciones orales. Se enfatizan los procesos de escritura y lectura para asegurar el crecimiento en ambas habilidades. También estudiarán sobre varias personalidades hispanas y eventos históricos de países de habla hispana.

Requisito: Español para hispanohablantes 1 o permiso de la Sra. Ardalan; mándele un correo electrónico a @email. También se puede tomar un examen para ganar hasta 3 créditos de español; se dará en el otoño de 2022.

Credit Exam for World Languages

Carta para los padres

Español para hispanohablantes 3 Spanish for Fluent Speakers 3

Este curso repasa la historia y cultura hispánica, desde sus orígenes romanos hasta la actualidad, destacando, sobre todo, el proceso de creación de una identidad nacional, lingüística y religiosa. Veremos cómo tales aspectos identitarios se fusionan con las culturas precolombinas y cómo todavía se reflejan en las sociedades multiculturales de España, Latinoamérica y EEUU. Los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de análisis a través de la lectura y crítica de obras multimedia.

Requisito: Español para hispanohablantes 2 o permiso de la Sra. Ardalan; mándele un correo electrónico a @email. También se puede tomar un examen para ganar hasta 3 créditos de español; se dará en el otoño de 2022.

Credit Exam for World Languages

Carta para los padres