Finish Strong FAQs

Q: Do you have to provide your own transportation?

  • A: Yes, students must provide their own transportation to their site. If transportation is an issue, consider places near where you live or virtual options. There will also be limited opportunities at Westfield. 


Q: Does every senior need to apply for a Finish Strong Experience?

  • A:  No, but we would like as many seniors as possible to participate in this opportunity!


Q: Are there qualifications to participate in a Finish Strong Experience?

  • A: Students must complete the Finish Strong application on time. 

  • A: Students must be passing all core classes at the end of 3rd quarter and have met all graduation requirements.  If a core class grade drops to failing during 4th quarter, participation in Finish Strong will be reconsidered by the administration. 

  • A:  Attendance and Discipline will continue to be monitored through the third and fourth quarters and taken into consideration for participation. 


Q:  Where do I find a location for a Career and Work Shadowing site? 

  • A:  Students may reach out to businesses and companies in the community to see if they would be interested in hosting them for those 2 weeks.  If you need help with potential work sites, please see Ms. Cudahy in the College and Career Center or Ms. Davis in Subschool 4.


Q: Can I do my job for my Finish Strong Experience? 

  • A:  No.  Students are not allowed to make money or be employed during their Finish Strong Experience. 

  • A: If a student already has a job, a student can spend additional (unpaid) time at the same location. However, the student will need to be spending that time doing something different from their usual job.

    Example: At Michael’s Craft Store, I usually work the cash register.  For my career shadowing experience, I will be…


Q: What are examples of a “Service Learning Project”?

**Students can create their own Service Learning Project, but must have a Westfield Staff Advisor.

  • A: Direct Service - Working directly with people, animals, or the environment. Examples include tutoring; working at a local animal shelter; wetland restoration; mural painting; volunteer opportunities

  • A: Indirect Service - Working indirectly to support a group or cause. Examples include facilitating a needs drive; stocking supplies at a food pantry; project/event planning for a service organization

  • A: Advocacy - Creating awareness of or promoting action on an issue of public interest. Examples include the Fairfax County Historical Marker Contest; Dangers of Distracted Driving public awareness campaign; Immigration Reform research and policy proposal


Q: What is the Share Fair

  • A:  Students will present “gallery style” to teachers, administration, community guests and underclass students, with their reflection on their Finish Strong experience. 


Q: What if you are enrolled in choir, orchestra, theater and/or band? What about Dual-Enrollment and Online classes?

  • A: Students who plan to participate in the Finish Strong experience and are enrolled in choir, orchestra, theater and/or band need to consider that all rehearsals and performances are mandatory. These include class period, after school, dress rehearsals and performances. 

  • A: Students who are in a Dual-Enrollment class must attend these classes in the building. 

  • A: Students who are in an Online Course must attend their in-person final exam.


Q: What happens if a student does not complete the 60-hour Finish Strong Experience? 

  • A: If a student does not complete the 60-hour Finish Strong Experience (including the time log and presentation at the share fair), he/she may not be able to participate in senior activities.