Honor Societies
English Honor Society
French Honor Society
Sponsor: Jocelyn Smith
A student must be enrolled in the fourth semester or higher of French, maintain a B+ average in French, and a B average overall. Students seeking membership also must indicate a strong desire to be active in the French program at Westfield by providing tutoring for French students and participating in community outreach and fundraising activities.
Membership Dues
Dues are $10 for the first year and $10 for the second year of membership.
Service Hours
Members are required to earn 5 points of service hours per semester. Points can be earned by tutoring, helping French teachers (Madame Bragg and/or Madame Odoux), participating in fundraisers and/or in all FHS activities.
Induction Ceremony
The induction ceremony will take place on April 18th at 3:15 in the Lecture Hall.
Officer Elections
Elections take place early in May to determine officers for the following school year. Information will be posted in early May on the FHS Blackboard Group.
Blackboard Group
All current FHS members are enrolled in the Blackboard group in order to receive timely information updates.
German Honor Society
Sponsor: Glenn Rife
General Information
- Students are eligible to join after 3 or more semesters of German.
- Eligible students must have an overall GPA of greater than 3.0, and greater than 3.5 in German, and must not have been written up for Honor Code violations.
- Interested students can pick up an application from Herr Rife in room G-211 starting in January.
- Applicants should take their forms with them to their counselor during course selection.
- All applications will be due by the end of the course selection and registration period.
Membership Dues and Induction Ceremony
- Dues for all members are $5 each year. Please drop off cash or a check (made payable to Westfield High School) to Herr Rife in room G-211.
- A banquet is held every Spring for new inductees and returning members, usually at the Euro Bistro in Herndon.
Service Hours and Honor Cords
- All students in NGHS should perform a minimum of 8 service hours per year.
- Credit will be given for service hours performed for courses or groups, provided that the student has actively attended German Club/Honor Society meetings as well.
- Senior members must provide evidence of their 8 service hours in order to receive their honor cords for graduation.
History Honor Society
Sponsors: Mr. Aranda, Ms. Sanfield, Ms. Snyder & Mrs. Santiago
To be eligible for History Honor Society at Westfield High School students must:
- Have a 3.00 overall GPA (weighted)
- Have a 3.50 overall Social Studies GPA (weighted)
- Have taken or be currently enrolled in an Advanced Placement History, Dual Enrollment Social Studies, or Government course
All applications are due no later than Sept 8, 2023.
You can find the application form here.
Math Honor Society
Sponsor: Tara Willenbrock & Scott Wultors
National Honor Society
Sponsors: Kate Dirga & Amanda Blizzard
Submit a Question
- Members must be a rising sophomore, junior, or senior
- Members must have a least a cumulative 3.5 GPA upon applying
- Members must show commitment to the four National Honor Society Pillars: Character, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service
Important Dates:
Virtual Interest Meetings (for prospective members):
- August 18, 2023 in the Schoology Group
- If you missed the meeting slideshow can be found under the Resources tab in the Schoology group.
- Prospective members should join the Schoology group 240 - Prospective National Honor Society Candidates by entering code T9R4-738P-W428V
Applications for the coming year will be made available on the Schoology Group - 240 Prospective National Honor Society Candidates.
NHS Application
National Technical Honor Society
Sponsor: Brian Dieffenbacher
Schoology Code to Join if interested: 9KQP-P37V-P3CZZ
Core Requirements for Applying:
- Must have an overall unweighted 3.0 GPA or an unweighted 3.0 GPA in CTE (ECON does not count)
- Must be currently or have been enrolled in a CTE course (includes but is not limited to business, STEM, etc.)
- Must have no honor roll code violations on their record
- Must have one teacher recommendation
- Must have consistent attendance in all classes
- Must be able to make a one-time payment of $35 for dues
Core Requirements for Members:
- Most classes must be over a C and must have good attendance in classes
- Must maintain a 3.5 GPA in CTE classes
- Must attend at least 4 meetings each year (most likely will remove)
- Must complete 10 CTE or STEM-related service hours before the upcoming November induction
- One of these service hours must be a community service of the sorts
Quill & Scroll
Sponsor: Ellyn Whiteash
The purpose of this Chapter of Quill & Scroll is to inspire and recognize those students who: have shown outstanding commitment to journalism; foster excellence and a dedicated spirit to the pursuit of scholastic media; further the creative abilities of its members and the school community; bring attention to journalism in our school and community; increase awareness for journalism in relation to other areas of the school curriculum and in all aspects of Westfield High School’s mission of Each One, Reach One, Teach One.
Membership Qualifications, students must:
- Be a junior or senior
- Maintain an overall B grade point average and be enrolled in at least one class supporting journalism such as Photojournalism (Yearbook), Journalism (Watchdog), Broadcast Journalism (WestfieldLIVE), Literary Magazine (Calliope), Creative Writing, Film Studies and/or Academy TV Production
- Have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school media.
- Must be recommended by their teacher/supervisor
- Must be approved by the Quill and Scroll Sponsor
- Be involved in all society activities, pay club dues, participate in fundraisers and attend meetings
National membership includes a pin, certificate and graduation cords for members in good standing.
Science Honor Society
Sponsors: Ms. Leno and Mr. Keay
Requirements to apply:
* Overall weighted GPA of 3.0
* Science GPA of 3.5 & currently enrolled in a science class
* $20 membership dues via MySchoolBucks that are due on 10/19
* 2 hours of community services (any services from June through September 30th)
* No honor code violations
* A current science teacher recommendation
Important dates: Interest Meeting (today, 8/31 at 3 PM in the lecture hall)
* If students missed the meeting, here is the slideshow to attach and can be found under the Resources tab in Schoology Group (entering GROUP code is G28F-M98N-RZDCB)
Lastly, our 23-24 SHS Application form, which will be due on October 5th at 11:59 PM.