Emily Huse Portfolio

Ever since I was little I’ve loved drawing faces. From the time I was little I was always drawing people around me and the people I loved. This often meant that my mom and dad were the subjects of my work or maybe my siblings. As I grew up and continued to create art I evolved from just drawing people I knew. I started looking up references and drawing the most interesting people I could find. I loved drawing people with unique facial features like high cheekbones or hooked noses. I also began drawing and painting my friends or anyone who sat still long enough for me to try. Faces were like puzzles to me and I loved being able to pick out each piece of the face and put it on a page. But I always avoided drawing my own face. I’ve never been the most confident person and I never really had very high self esteem. I hated my nose and how complicated it was to draw and I hated the way my jawline looked when I attempted to sketch it. But this year for my concentration I decided to draw myself. I attempted to stop seeing myself through my eyes and to start seeing myself through an artist’s eyes. Once I did this I started to appreciate myself more. Having gone with this approach my insecurities have started to fade away. I also created portraits of myself by creating portraits of others. I started to figure out how the people in my life affected me and how they became a part of me. So while many pieces are not actually of me, in a way they are self portraits. 

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