Jade Haas Portfolio

As an artist, I enjoy creating 2D pieces through mediums such as graphite pencils, colored pencils, charcoal, and acrylic paints. These mediums allow me to create pieces that display high levels of contrast, which I incorporate into all of my drawings. I strive to create pieces that reflect social problems and my opinions and social commentary towards those issues. I gain inspiration from my observations, the media, and modern culture. I enjoy creating pieces that integrate the human form, such as faces and hands, due to the fact that these elements symbolize different ideas. Particularly in my work, I strive to portray hands as causes of action and faces as the entirety of a society and their views.

I begin a piece by planning out in my sketchbook the composition and the idea I want the piece to evoke. With each piece I determine the best materials and tools to use that will effectively portray my ideas. In many of my pieces I take various social issues that I find has an impact in my life and begin to construct pieces. For example, a social issue I wish to convey in my art is the controversy revolving around technology and its adverse effects on humans and their minds as well as how they interact.